45- How?

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The plane ride back to Forks was terrible. We flew through the night, and as everyone else started falling asleep, Edward decided to explain everything to me.

"It was all my fault. I was scared of hurting Bella and you, and I convinced the whole family to leave you two behind to protect you."

"How?" It was the only question I had, and it was the only one that mattered.

"I convinced them Jasper wasn't in control enough."

I inhaled sharply, and if we weren't in an airplane, I would have yelled at him. Instead, I angrily whispered, "How dare you."

"It was the only way I could convince everyone to leave. I thought it would be best for everyone. Jasper would have more time to get better control of his thirst, and Bella would move on. That way, she would be gone when we came back, but you would still be there, and we could be a happy family again."

"This is not Jasper's fault," I told him.

"Emma," he said, "you have to admit it was his slip up that started this whole problem."

"No," I told him. "It was your fault this all happened. Jasper can feel your thirst like every other emotion he feels. So when she cut herself, he had to suddenly deal with the entire family wanting to attack her and your overwhelming desire to attack her. You should never have pursued a romantic relationship with your blood singer."

My words stunned Edward into silence, but I continued. "There's no way that was enough to convince everyone to leave; what else did you tell them?"

"I told them I would kill myself if they didn't leave Forks and you."

"This conversation is over." My words were final. I grabbed my phone, Alice handed me headphones, and I blocked out the two vampires for the rest of the flight.

I knew Edward could hear how angry I was at him, but I didn't care. I was livid that he told them that. He probably made Jasper hate himself more, and he made the entire family choose between him and me. I understood why they all chose him. They knew him longer, and I would never want him to be gone forever. They also thought I would still be there when they came, so it would have been okay, but it would not have. Somewhere in my inner monologue, I managed to fall asleep and wake back up.

By the time the plane landed, I had come to terms with everything and just wanted to see Jasper and make sure he was okay. I could still feel the aching feeling in my chest, which had only worsened since I had left Forks. We de-boarded the plane and made our way to the car in silence. Alice got in the driver's seat, Edward in the passenger seat, and I sat in the back.

As Alice started driving, Edward began to speak again. "What did you mean that it would not have been okay if we came back when Bella had aged."

I took a deep breath, looked in his direction, and said, "I stopped phasing when you left."

Edward and Alice both took an unnecessary breath in surprise, but neither responded. The rest of the short drive was silent as Alice sped back to the house from Port Angeles.

And then she finally drove up the long driveway to our house. I unbuckled, and the second she slowed down, I opened the door and ran out. I ran straight up the front door, pushed it open, and walked to the living room.

I saw everyone sitting around, but my eyes zeroed in on Jasper. He was sitting on the couch with his eyes closed. He looked somehow paler and thinner and more worn down. Emmet had a tight grip on his arm, keeping him pinned down. No one had heard me walk in, and everyone's attention was on him.

My quiet words broke the silence. "Jazz."

At the sound of my voice, his eyes shot open. He locked eyes with me, and it was like I could feel how much pain he was in. Emmet released his grip on Jasper in surprise, setting him free. He sped off the couch as I lifted my arms for a hug. I felt his arms wrap around me and lift me in the air. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, burying my head in his shoulder. I could feel tears streaming down my face, but I didn't care.

"Puppy." His voice was hoarse, and I barely heard him, but that one word made my world finally feel right again.

I felt the aching feeling disappear the tighter he held me. It felt like finally being able to breathe again, and as I breathed in, all I could smell was Jasper.

I knew everyone else was staring at us, but I couldn't have cared less. Jasper was alright and in my arms, and that was all that mattered.

I would deal with how angry I was at everyone later.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now