43- This is Really Bad

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"Why didn't you let me talk to him?" I yelled at Jacob.

"He didn't ask to talk to you. He was too busy talking about Alice's stupid vision," he told me.

"What exactly did he say?" I asked him.

"He said she had a vision about you and was asking if you were okay."

"But Alice doesn't normally have visions about me when I'm around you guys," I said, turning to look at Sam.

"But when were you not with us?" Sam asked me, trying to think.

I thought through the day, realizing there was only one moment. "When I fell. She would have seen me falling from a cliff, passing out, and not waking up." I looked at Jacob and asked the most important question. "Then what did he say?"

"He asked if you were okay," Jacob told me.

"And you said no?!" Sam yelled at him.

"He thinks I'm dead," I said, knowing how he thinks. As I spoke, I was already trying to call him back. It rang three times before being declined and not letting me leave a voicemail. "And, of course, he's not answering his phone, so I can't tell him I'm okay."

"Jacob, why would you do that?" Sam asked him.

"Are you kidding! He hurt Emma, and now he randomly called after months of her hurting. You think I was just going to be okay with that?"

"He's probably been hurting for months too, meaning there is some other, really important, reason why he left!"

"Boys!" I yelled, not wanting to hear their argument, as my call was declined another time. "This is not helping. I need to get ahold of the Cullens, but none of them are answering my phone!"

"I can call Carlisle from my phone," Sam said, walking back into the living room.

"Since when do you have his phone number?" I asked Sam as I followed him.

"When they left, Carlisle gave me his phone number in case of emergencies," Sam told me. "It was never his intention to leave you forever, but at the time, I ignored him."

"Why did you never tell me any of this?"

"Because, Emma, they hurt you. I wanted you to deal with it your way, not thinking about what they wanted." He picked up his phone, clicked it a few times, and handed it to me. "I realize now that may not have been the best thing to do, but it was the best idea at the time. Go call Carlisle and fix this."

I took the phone from Sam and walked into a different room while clicking the call button. After two rings, he picked up.

"Sam, why didn't you stop her? Or call so we could stop her? I don't understand!" Carlisle's words were rushed, and I could tell he was hurting, but I had a feeling I didn't have time to think about that.

"Carlisle, I need you to calm down," I told him.

"Who is this? This isn't Sam."

"No," I said, "It's Emma."

There was a brief silence on the other end before he said, "But Alice said you died."

"I didn't. I fell from a cliff into the water and passed out, but the pack saved me."

I could hear yelling in the background of Carlisle, but I couldn't make it out. Then he said, "Oh no, this is really bad."

"What is going on?" I asked him, pacing the floor in anxiety.

"Edward and Jasper think you are dead, and they both went off the grid without their phones to different extremes."

"Where are they?"

"Alice says Jasper is going to Forks to yell at the wolves, but Edward is going straight to the Volturi to be killed. He said he doesn't deserve to live if he killed you."

I groaned in frustration. "How do we fix this?"

"I think Emmet can catch up to Jasper before he does anything rash, but Edward will not believe any of us if we go to stop him. The only person he will believe is you."

"And if he isn't stopped, he'll be killed."

"Yes," he told me, his voice wavering.

I understood why he was worried; he was asking me to choose between my soulmate and the idiot who kicked me out of the house. No matter how much I wanted to see Jasper and tell him I was okay, I couldn't live with myself if Edward died.

"How do I get to Edward?"

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now