59- Selfish People

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Edward ran into the room faster than I could process him being home. It took me two seconds before I got up off the couch and slapped his face as hard as I could with my uninjured hand.

"What was that for?" Edward asked me incredulously.

"For how angry I am at you," I told him. I walked back to Jasper, hoping his presence could help me calm down, but it did not.

"We lost Victoria, Edward," Carlisle told him.

"I can see that," he replied, looking straight at me, probably reading my mind. "It also looks like Leah lost her mind and hurt Jasper. Why haven't you gone off on her yet?"

"Because I have to go off on you first," I told him.

"You blame me?"

"I cannot keep having this conversation with you!" I yelled at him, standing up again out of pure anger. "Of course, I blame you! We're too slow to get her. You're faster than her and could have caught her no problem."

"I was trying to save Bella like we all agreed I should do."

"Edward," Noah said, stepping in, "we agreed on you convincing her to go, not you going with her."

"We needed you," Carlisle said, looking at him with a frown on his face. "But you weren't there."

"You choose Bella over this entire family once again!" I yelled at him. "And we got hurt because of it! And now Victoria is furious at us, and we have no idea what her next plan is."

"You can't blame me for Leah attacking Jasper," Edward said.

"If you were there, that wouldn't have happened," Rosalie told him.

"So, you gotta figure your life out, Edward, because I'm not playing this game anymore!" As I finished speaking, I sat down with Jasper once again, wrapping my arms around him.

Edward turned from me and looked at our father figure. "Carlisle, help me out here."

"Edward, you keep making decisions that impact the family without thinking about the family," Carlisle told him. "And I hate to say it, son, but if you do it again, I don't think you can stay here anymore."

There was a long silence as everyone processed what Carlisle had just told him. That was a serious decision and one only Carlisle could make. It was also something I never thought he would say. All I hoped was that by saying it, he put some sense into Edward's head about the situation.

Edward didn't answer Carlisle. Instead, he ran out of the house and into the forest.

I looked up at Carlisle with wide eyes. "I didn't mean for you to choose us over him," I whispered.

"I know," he told me. "But it's something that needs to happen. Hopefully, it will help him realize his actions are wrong."

We sat silently for a moment, unsure how to move forward. Then I remembered Leah and Sam.

"I need to go to the Rez," I said, looking at Jasper.

Jasper tightened his arms as much as he could without hurting me. "Emma, please no," he begged.

"I need to talk to Sam and yell at Leah for hurting you."

"I'm coming with you," he told me.


"Emma, I don't want you going there alone."

"And I don't want you to come with me."

"Please. Please let me come with you." As he spoke, he buried his head in my shoulder.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now