19- Edward and His Blood Singer

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We didn't see Edward after that class, but Alice told us he didn't kill anyone. So, that was good. As I sat alone in my last class, I anxiously waited to meet up with everyone after school to go home.

As the last bell rang, I grabbed my stuff and met the family in the parking lot by our cars. Everyone was tense as I joined the group. Jasper immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me to Edward's car. He got in the driver's seat as he told me Edward was already home.

"He hunted during last period and is sitting at home right now. Alice thinks he's going to go up north for a while to figure everything out, but he won't leave without telling everyone."

I didn't respond to Jasper's words because I didn't really know what to say. As we pulled up to the house, I realized something.

"You guys go in and say goodbye to Edward," I told Jasper.

"What?" He asked me, confused.

"My blood might freak him out more right now. I don't want to make it harder for him." I subconsciously grabbed the collar necklace around my neck. It had become something I did when I was anxious.

"I can feel his emotions; he's fine right now," Jasper told me.

Alice knocked on my window, making me open the door to talk to her. "He won't freak out. I can see it." She gently grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the car.

We all walked into the house where Carlisle, Esme, and Edward were standing in a heated debate. All three turned as we entered the room. Carlisle looked at me, tensed, and grabbed Edward's arm.

"He's fine, Carlisle," Alice told him.

Carlisle let go as Edward said, "I'm going to Alaska. I don't know for how long."

"There is another way, Edward," Alice said.

I could tell he read her mind, and he stiffened. He said, "Never, Alice," and ran out of the room.

The following day Bella kept looking over at our family, but we paid her no mind. That night Alice told us what she showed Edward. There was a possibility Bella became a vampire.

The next day she approached me in our English class. "Where is your brother?" She asked me.

"I'm sorry, you're going to have to be more specific," I told her.

"Edward, where is Edward?" She asked. "Why isn't he at school."

"He's dealing with some personal business out of town right now." The lie slipped out of my mouth quickly. It's what Alice had told me to say when anyone asked.

"Oh." Bella sat down in her seat, not being able to think of anything else to say.

Every day Edward was gone, the more agitated Bella seemed. The same could be said for our family.

We were not taking Edward's leave well. Everyone was slightly off, and it felt like something was missing when we did anything. We were all also super worried for Edward and we didn't know how long he would be gone for or if he would ever come back.

Jasper could feel how tense everyone was at home, and it made him even tenser. I tried to help him relax, but nothing was helping.

Then one day, we got a call from Edward. He said only one thing, "I'm coming home."

This was great news for the whole family. We so desperately wanted to make sure he was okay, and the only way to do that was to see him again.

It was the middle of the night when Jasper woke me up. "What?" I asked him, sleepily.

"Edward's downstairs." His words woke me up in an instant, and we both made our way downstairs.

Edward was standing and talking to Carlisle and Emmet when we reached them. He looked over at us as soon as we entered the room, and I ran over to him. I hugged him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I missed you, you idiot," I told him.

He laughed a little before responding, "I know you did. I could hear your thoughts from Alaska."

I backed up a couple of steps giving him space. "Oh, well, good," I told him.

Jasper came up behind me and gave Edward a bro hug before we sat down in the living room to talk.

"So, what have you decided, Edward?" Carlisle asked him.

"I want to stay; I think I can handle it." Edward's words were confident but quiet.

Carlisle looked over at Alice, waiting to see what she would say. "It's highly unlikely he'll kill her in the near future," she said cryptically. "Of course, there is another way."

"No, Alice. I already told you that's not happening."

"Son, it's an idea we might want to entertain," Carlisle told Edward.

Carlisle's suggestion was met with anger. "I'm not turning Bella Swan into a vampire. There is no way that's happening." Edward's said harshly.

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