53- Phasing

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I opened my eyes to see I was higher off the ground than usual in wolf form. Like, way higher than usual. I looked up at Jasper in confusion as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"You're like, way bigger than before! You're still smaller than the others, but you are so much bigger!"

He was excited at this information, and honestly, so was I. Being small had many disadvantages.

I started moving around, trying to get used to my new size, and I immediately loved it. I felt stronger, faster, and overall more powerful. I wanted to show everyone this wonderful news immediately.

So I started to run.

I took off toward the house, and I could hear Jasper take off right behind me. Jasper yelled, "Race ya!" and attempted to run as fast as me. By looking back briefly, I could tell I was beating him. "You're cheating; I know it!" He yelled at me while laughing.

I picked up my speed even more, making it back to the house in record time and beating Jasper.

As I made my way into the backyard, I could see everyone gathered outside, but they did not look happy to see me.

Everyone but Alice and Edward jumped into fighting positions as soon as I crossed the line of trees leading into our backyard.

"Wait!" Edward yelled as Emmet jumped at me, ready to fight.

Emmet ignored Edward, but I jumped out of the way, not letting him get me. Before he could attack again, Jasper ran into the yard, getting everyone's attention. His yelling turned into one of absolute anger, running straight at Emmet. Jasper rammed into Emmet, sending him flying away from me.

"Jasper, what are you doing?!" Rosalie yelled, zooming over to help Emmet out.

"It's Emma!" Edward yelled, making everyone stop.

Emmet's anger disappeared immediately as he looked at me in joy. "Lucky! You're huge!" Jasper let go of him, letting him run at me and wrap his arms around me in a hug.

Everyone else ran down to see me, excited that I phased again.

"Emmet, don't you dare try and do that again," Jasper said, coming to stand beside me.

Edward, can you tell Jasper I'm okay? I think he'll freak out if you don't.

"Jasper, she said to tell you she's fine and to not freak out at Emmet."


"You're so different, Emma," Carlisle said, coming over to see me.

"She can tell you all about it later," Edward said, not wanting to relay a whole conversation between us. "Right now, we should play fetch."

"Yes!" Emmet yelled before zooming off to find a toy to play with. He ran back and threw a toy as far as he could.

I took off after it, missing the feeling of running free. I grabbed the toy and took it back to see Edward and Emmet excited to play games with me.

Hours later, I phased back and sat down to talk to everyone.

"So, you're bigger because you're technically 18 now?" Carlisle asked, trying to make sense of what was happening.

"I guess," I replied. "The only way I would know for sure would be to talk to my pack, but I am not doing that."

"I never suggested you should," Carlisle replied.

"Emma!" Jasper yelled from the kitchen. "Sam is texting me to see if you're going back to his house or not?"

"Why isn't he texting me?" I yelled back.

Jasper walked into the room with a bag of chips. "How should I know? He is a mystery to me." He sat down next to me while handing me the bag. "He says he wants to know if you'll be there for dinner or not, so Emily makes enough food."

"Tell him I'll be there for dinner," I told him before eating the chips.

"Will do." He texted Sam back with one hand while wrapping the other around my shoulders.

"It's weird that Sam likes you," Emmet said, setting up a video game.

"He hated us when we first met him," Rosalie added.

"Like I said, he's a mystery," Jasper replied.

After a while spent with the Cullen's, Jasper drove me to Sam's for dinner. He dropped me off after kissing me on my cheek and headed home while I ran inside.

After dinner, I told Sam I had something important to show him outside.

"What is going on, Emma?" Sam asked, following me outside as I asked.

"Just trust me, okay?" I told him, a smile on my face.

"Whatever," he replied, smiling at my nonsense.

I stepped a few feet away from him and asked, "Ready?"

"Whenever you are."

I closed my eyes, took a breath, and phased once again. I got a similar reaction from Sam as I had with Jasper.

"What in the world!"

Sam's screaming caused the rest of the pack to rush outside to see what was wrong, only for them to freak out as well.

"Wait, who phased?" Jacob asked, coming outside.

"It's Emma!" Sam yelled before phasing as well.

All the boys jumped in excitement and joined us. They all phased, and soon we were running through the woods together.

This is awesome!

'It sure is.' While I couldn't hear every thought the pack had, like they could with each other, I could have telepathic conversations with them when we were all in wolf form.

We ran around and played with each other for a while before Sam told us all we should head home and get some sleep because I had school the next day.

After a day of running around and playing with everyone, I fell asleep immediately.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now