18- New Girl

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As winter break came to an end, I heard rumors of a new kid coming to the school: Charlie's daughter. On our first day back from vacation, it was all anyone could talk about. It was like when the Cullens came all over again, except all of the adults in the town knew Isabella Swan. Apparently, she had lived here when she was younger, so her coming back was the highlight of the century for the whole town.

I had no idea what day she was arriving in Forks, but we all knew the day she was coming to school for the first time. That morning was like any other.

The whole Cullen family drove in two cars to school. Jasper, Edward, and I drove in Edward's car while Alice, Noah, Rosalie, and Emmet drove in Alice's car. We met up at the school before heading inside. I didn't see the new girl until my second-period class.

I was sitting in my second-period English class with Emmet when the new girl walked into the room. She looked uncomfortable with all the attention the class was giving her, and I felt terrible for the girl. She made her way to the empty desk behind me. As she sat down, I turned in my seat and smiled at her.

"Hi," I said to her. "My name's Emma, and if you need any help from a normal person, I'm here for you."

"I'm Bella," she told me.

The teacher tried getting everyone's attention to start class, so I turned in my seat and focused on what she had to say. I often enjoyed English class, so I wanted to pay attention. We went over the book we were reading for the whole period. When class ended, I got up from my table with Emmet and made my way back out to the hallway, already forgetting about the new girl.

I didn't see her again till lunch. We were running late for lunch because I couldn't get my locker open. Someone jammed something in my lock, and it wouldn't open. After a while, Jasper just grabbed the lock in his hand and crushed it, breaking it off the locker door. After I grabbed the lunch Esme made me, we made our way to the lunchroom.

We entered the room and made our way to our table. As we sat down, I saw Bella looking over at us. I smiled at waved at her as Jasper looked at me in confusion.

"Who are you waving to?" He asked me.

"Bella. She's in mine and Emmet's English class, and she's looking at us," I told him.

"She's here?" Edward asked me.

"Yeah, she's sitting by Mike and Angela." My words made Jasper stiffen.

"She's made terrible friends right off the bat." Jasper's words made me smile slightly.

"She seems nice," Emmet told the table.

I nodded at his words as I started eating. Everyone looked over at Bella, trying to hear her conversation. Their super hearing could pick up most of the conversation even though she was far away.

"She's going to look in 5 seconds." Alice's words caused the whole table to look away from her and try to look normal.

"Edward, stop looking," Noah told him, causing us all to look at Edward.

He didn't answer, and he didn't look away. I followed his gaze, and he was definitely looking straight at Bella.

"What's wrong?" I asked Edward.

"I can't hear her thoughts." There was an edge in Edward's voice, letting me know he was anxious about this discovery.

I looked at him before saying, "Couldn't you not hear Charlie's thoughts too?"

"No, this is different," he said. "I couldn't hear precise thoughts from Charlie, just the general vibe of what he was thinking about. I hear nothing from her."

Jasper shifted slightly from beside me, froze for a moment, then said, "I can feel her emotions."

"And I can see her immediate future," Alice said.

"Well, I can hear nothing," he told us honestly.

"We can talk to Carlisle about it when we get home," Rosalie said calmly. "But for now, let's just let it be."

Everyone nodded slightly as I finished eating my food. Lunch ended, and we all made our way to our next period. I had Science with Rosalie before I went to History with Jasper and Alice.

The three of us were sitting next to each other in the back row when both Jasper and Alice tensed next to me.

"What happened?" I asked them under my breath.

"Edward wants to kill someone, desperately." Jasper's words were just loud enough for me to hear them. His words also caused me to worry for him, so I gently placed my hand on his to bring him back to reality. "It's strong. Why Alice?"

"He met Bella," she said, "and she's his blood singer."

"Oh no." Jasper's concern was valid. Bella being Edward's blood singer meant her blood appealed to him more than anything else. It was the exact opposite of Jasper and me.

"What do you see him doing?" I asked Alice.

"He changes his mind every second," she said. "But there is a chance he kills everyone in that room."

"Oh, that's not good." As I spoke, both vampires frowned slightly at the implications that would cause for the whole family.

As class started, the three of of sat quietly, hoping Edward wouldn't do anything.

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