85- Decisions

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Wedding planning was a happy change from the week before. However, wedding planning involved a lot of decisions. Jasper and I let Alice make most of them, but a few of the decisions were ones we had to make on our own. That started with us picking bridesmaids and groomsmen.

"Alright! Everyone gather around!" I yelled through the house.

Jasper and I were standing in the living room as everyone quickly ran into the room, eager to hear what we had decided.

"Okay," Jasper started saying, looking at everyone. "We know you are all very excited, but please don't freak out when we ask someone else to do something."

"Can you just get on with it already?!" Alice yelled. She was agitated that I had learned how to block certain things from her and Edward, so neither of them knew what we had decided like they usually would be able to.

"Relax," I told her.

Jasper decided to go first. "Noah," he started saying before everyone freaked out.

"We just told you not to do that," I told everyone, silencing them.

Jasper continued. "Noah, would you be my Best Man?"

Noah smiled in happiness while Emmet and Edward scoffed. Noah replied, "Of course, Jasper," while Emmet and Edward argued.

"Why can't we be your best men?" Emmet asked, upset.

"Yeah," Edward agreed. "We're pretty close now."

"I want you to be my groomsmen," Jasper told the two arguing boys. "And I choose Noah over you two because he doesn't try and fight me randomly, and he didn't make me leave Emma behind." That comment shut both boys up, but we all knew Jasper wasn't mad at them for either of those things.

All eyes shifted to me as the girls waited to hear my decision. "I've decided I want my Maid of Honor to be Rosalie." I prepared myself for the worst, but it never came.

"Are you serious?" Rosalie asked me, astounded. "I thought you would choose Alice over me for sure."

"I'm serious," I told her, smiling at how calm the girls were being. "And I want Alice and Bree to be two of my bridesmaids."

"Just two?" Alice asked, clearly curious as to my other choice. "Who else are you asking?"

Jasper answered for me, laughing at Alice's curiousness. "We'll tell you who they are after we tell them."

"But first," I said, "I have one last request." I turned to face Esme and Carlisle, who had been respectfully silent the entire time. "Mom, I really want you to just be there as my mom, not as a bridesmaid," I told her honestly, making her smile.

"Of course," she told me. "I would love that, Emma."

"And," I continued, having one last person to talk to, "I really want you to walk me down the aisle, Dad, with Sam." That one was a long shot of a request. I really wanted them both to be there since they were both really important in my life, but I would choose Carlisle over Sam if he didn't want to do it together.

Carlisle's silence did nothing to soothe my anxiety. I didn't want to use anyone's powers to feel his emotions or hear his thoughts, but I was tempted.

Then he finally answered me, "You really want me to walk you down the aisle?"

"Of course," I told him quickly, without even thinking about it. "You're my dad. And I want Sam there as my brother. It just feels right."

"Well, of course, Emma. I would be honored to walk you down the aisle with Sam." Carlisle smiled as he spoke, and I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. "I have a feeling the two of you have a trip to make to ask some other people?"

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