66- Up a Mountain

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As we finished up our second day of training, Edward, Jacob, and Bella were having a heated conversation.

"I want to help," Bella whined.

"You need to be far away from the battlefield," Jacob told her.

"I agree with Jacob, Bella," Edward added. "If you're on the battlefield, you'll just be a target for attack."

Jasper walked up behind me, watching their argument as well. "Are they still arguing about this?" He asked me.

"They are, and it is entertaining," I told him.

"What would you do if I told you I also don't want you at the fight?" He asked me gently.

"Where do you want me?" I asked him, turning around suddenly.

"Bella, what if you, Jacob, Emma, and Seth were up a mountain, away from the fight and safe?" At Edward's words, I turned back toward him.

"No," Bella whined. "You should be with us too; I don't want you getting hurt."

"Edward is not going anywhere," Carlisle said, joining the conversation. "His speed is needed on the battlefield."

"I'm not going with you, Bella," Edward told her. "You'd be safe with the wolves."

"What if I went?" Noah suggested, trying to prevent a meltdown from Bella. "That way, a vampire would be up there with you just in case."

"What a great plan," Carlisle said. "Thank you for suggesting it, Noah. Emma, what do you think?"

I turned around and faced Jasper, who looked terrified of my answer. "You really want me up a mountain instead of on the battlefield?" I asked him.

"I honestly do," he told me. "If you were here, Victoria would target you."

"Okay then," I told him before turning around and facing everyone else. "Sounds like a great plan."

"Wait!" Seth yelled, realizing this involved him. "Why do I have to go up the mountain?"

"There is no way you are fighting in this battle," Sam told him. "Besides, you gotta keep Emma safe up on that mountain." Sam sent me a look begging me to play along so Seth would agree quickly.

"Yeah, Seth, you gotta be up there to protect me," I told him.

"I don't trust anyone else," Jasper added.

That was the thing that convinced him. Seth cared about Jasper's opinion more than anyone else's. "Well then, I'll obviously go," Seth said, turning to face Jasper.

"I don't like this plan," Bella told everyone.

"Bella, you're going up the mountain with us," Jacob told her, wrapping her in a protective hug.

I told you they would end up together, Edward.

Edward turned toward me and mumbled, "They're not together yet."

The next day, we got ready to go up a mountain. We met up with Bella, Jacob, and Seth in the field in the afternoon. Jasper was holding my hand tightly while Edward followed behind us.

"So, what's the plan?" Jacob asked Jasper.

"You are going to carry Bella up the mountain, and Seth is going to carry Emma to hide their scents," Jasper told them. "This way, the newborns will follow their scent to this field, but not any farther."

"I thought Emma didn't have a scent?" Seth asked.

"I don't really, but they had my shirt and were taking in my scent, so maybe my lack of scent gives them something to track," I told him.

"I hate this plan," Bella whined once again, wrapping her arms around Jacob.

I am so glad you broke up with her, Edward.

"You're coming, Bella," Jacob told her.

"Where's Noah?" She asked, realizing he wasn't with us.

"He's already up the mountain setting up for when we get there," I said.

"You should go," Edward said suddenly. "There might be a storm coming, and you need to get up there before it comes."

Jasper turned to me and gave me a tight hug. "Be safe," he told me gently.

"You too," I told him. "Everything will be fine, and I'll see you after the fight." I pulled back from the hug and smiled at him, showing him I wasn't afraid.

"I'll see you after the fight," he told me.

Seth walked up to the two of us, happy to help. "Don't worry, Jasper; I'll keep her safe."

"I know you will, Seth."

I stepped away from Jasper as Seth and I made our way over to where Jacob and Bella had walked. "Can you even carry me?" I asked Seth.

"I am stronger than you think I am," he told me, picking me up suddenly as he continued walking.

"I guess you are."

Seth carried me up the mountain without a single complaint. Well, he did complain about having to spend the night near Jacob and Bella, but neither of us was looking forward to that, so it was fine. When we finally made it to Noah's set-up camp, I could see the storm coming.

"It's literally spring break; how is there a storm coming?" I asked no one in particular.

"The world is against us," Noah told me, walking over to hug me. "I set up two separate tents for you guys. I figured Bella and Jacob could share one, and you and Seth could share the other."

"Thank you, Noah. I'm glad you're up here with us."

"Someone's gotta keep you wolves in line," he told me, a smile on his face.

"Hey!" Seth yelled. "Not nice."

A cold wind blew through our campsite, making Bella shiver. "Uh oh," I whispered. "Pretty sure Bella's going to freeze tonight."

We all settled into our tents soon after, hoping to sleep. Seth and I laid in two separate sleeping bags in our tent and drifted in and out of sleep all night. We could hear Bella and Jacob talking all night because Bella was cold and confessing her love for him at the same time. It was actually aggravating, and I felt terrible for Noah, who had to hear them talk all night.

The next morning Seth and I got up early and joined Noah outside.

"Oh, thank goodness," Noah said as I unzipped our tent. "I need someone to talk to after what I just sat through."

"Was it that bad?" I asked him.

"Emma, based on what I heard, it was awful," Seth groaned.

"She is so whiny," Noah said as we sat by him. "How does Jacob like her? And how did Edward ever stand her?"

"I have no idea," Seth mumbled. "But she's been over at the Rez since they broke up, and I can't stand her."

We quieted down as we heard Bella and Jacob waking up.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Seth and I widened our eyes as they spoke while Noah gave us an 'I told you so' look.

"I can't wait to tell Edward," I told Noah.

"Oh, don't worry," he replied, "I texted him the second it happened."

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें