106- Whatever Happens

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December 27, 2006, two days after Christmas, was the day we dreaded. With no knowing why, we were ready for The Volturi to come.

We got up like we always did and acted as normal as possible. We didn't know the exact time The Volturi would be there, so we didn't want to rile everyone up too early. We had decided to spend the day in the field, giving us open space to talk with The Volturi or to fight if it came down to that.

One by one, everyone gathered in the field doing random activities. Our family went out first and set up a picnic for Charlotte and Seth to enjoy random food. The pack came next and joined in on the picnic for a while before starting up a soccer game. All of their imprints stayed home, not wanting them to be involved in a fight if it came to that. The Denalis came last, bringing Charlie and Bella to round out our crazy group. Both Charlie and Bella refused to stay out of this fight no matter how much we told them to stay home, so we just gave up and let them come.

There were 26 of us in total, and all of us were ready for whatever was coming. Based on what I had seen when I was in Volterra, we would outnumber them, but Carlisle didn't seem as confident as I did, which worried me.

While we were waiting, Sam asked a crucial question that we probably could have discussed sooner. "What do we need to know about The Volturi before they get here?"

The older vampires decided to work together to describe what exactly we were up against. Edward started. "The Volturi are like the kings of the vampire world, and they make and uphold the rules we all need to abide by. If anyone steps out of line, they are not afraid to get rid of them."

Eleazar continued. "The three kings are Aro, Marcus, and Caius. Aro can know your every thought with a single touch, and Marcus can see everyone's relationship bonds with others with a look. Caius doesn't have a power, but he is powerful enough on his own."

Why did no one tell me about Marcus' power when I met him? I shot a look at Edward as I thought this, but he simply shook his head at my thoughts.

Kate spoke next. "They all three are married to someone, but the wives don't do much. The Guard, on the other hand, are people to be wary of. Over the years, they have gathered the strongest and best vampires to help protect them and take care of wrongdoing vampires."

Garret took over. "There are a few to be aware of if we fight. Alec and Jane are some of his most powerful assets. They're twins who were both turned and gained incredible powers. Alec can shut off all your senses, so you cannot see, hear, smell, or sense anything. This makes you vulnerable."

I added my opinion about Jane. "Jane can make you feel excruciating pain with just a word. It's enough that it incapacitates you and makes you vulnerable to attack."

Esme continued the story. "While the twins are the most powerful additions, all of The Guard is highly trained and very powerful in their own ways."

"So why are they so mad at you guys?" Paul asked, not understanding our predicament.

"We've broken many of their rules," Jasper told him. "We've told quite a few humans about our existence. We're friends with you guys, and we're supposed to be mortal enemies with all wolves and shapeshifters. Charlotte is also a wild card in all of this because she looks like an immortal child, which is illegal as well."

"Immortal child?" Jacob questioned, not understanding.

Kate explained to him. "Children turned into vampires by a bite. They never age or reach maturity and turn into a real problem because of it. They have an insatiable hunger and were outlawed long ago. Irina saw Charlotte and most definitely thought she was an immortal child."

"So Aro is coming, to talk or to fight, and we have to be prepared," Carlisle said, no room for conversation.

We all dispersed, fully understanding what we were up against. Everyone went back to passing the time doing random things. Carlisle sat down off to the side, watching everyone with a frown on his face. I made my way over to him, wanting to see what was up.

"You okay?" I asked him, sitting down next to him.

"No," he told me. "I'm worried. It's not like Aro to do something like this unless he's trying to attack."

"We can handle them," I told him. "We have a lot of very powerful people on our side."

"I know we do," he told me, looking out at the large group we had assembled. "I'm afraid this will just anger Aro more."

"We can't live our lives afraid of Aro and The Volturi," I told him.

He sighed briefly before saying, "Perhaps you're right."

A breeze blew through the field, alerting us all to a new scent. "It's them," Carlisle said, standing up to greet them.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, understanding that The Volturi were close. I made my way over to Charlotte and Seth before kneeling down in front of them. "Seth, whatever happens," I started saying before he cut me off.

"I won't leave her for a second," he told me. "And nothing will happen."

I gave him a brief nod before standing and joining Jasper by Carlisle. I saw Seth lead Charlotte over by the pack, and I knew they would be safe with them. Bella and Charlie made their way over there as well, being the safest with the wolves.

As Jasper and I stood behind Carlisle, I could sense everyone moving behind us. Everyone was gathering together in groups, ready to do whatever would be necessary.

We stood as a unit and watched as The Volturi walked onto the field. Aro, Marcus, and Caius stood in the front. As they walked, their stupid long capes billowed out in an attempt to make them look more intimidating. I could see Marcus looking at everyone, probably sensing our different bonds with each other. Irina was just behind them, followed by The Guard. They made their way closer to us, stopping when Aro did.

Aro surveyed the scene in front of him before his eyes stopped on Carlisle. "Ah, Carlisle, old friend."

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