37- A Fight

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I woke up the next morning alone in bed. The house was unnaturally quiet, leading me to believe no one was home. I got up, got ready, and went downstairs. I saw Carlisle sitting alone when I made it to the living room.

"Is everything okay?" I asked him as I walked into the room.

"Yeah," he told me. "Edward and Emmet are out there trying to find Jasper, though."

"Oh," I told him, sitting down on the couch. "He hasn't come home yet?"

"No," Carlisle told me. "And he hasn't answered any of our texts or calls."

I nodded my head slightly, showing I heard him, but I had nothing to say. The entire day went by in a haze. Jasper never turned up, and the rest of the family tried to cheer me up, but nothing worked. It wasn't until Edward came home in the evening that I showed any emotion.

Edward walked into the living room, where I was watching Emmet play a random video game. He had been trying to tell me jokes and distract me, but Edward's presence made my full attention turn to him.

"I don't know where he went," Edward said, getting everyone's attention.

No one wanted to say anything, unsure of how I was responding to this situation. I chose to take it in stride.

I took a deep breath before saying, "Well, we'll just have to wait till he's ready to come home." I turned back to the tv, assuming that was going to be the end of the conversation.

Edward had other plans. "Well, we wouldn't be in this mess if Jasper could just control himself."

"Edward!" Carlisle yelled as everyone turned to look at him.

If looks could kill, Edward would have been dead the second I looked at him. "What did you just say?" I asked him tensely.

Emmet tried to call me down before things got out of hand. He placed his hand on my arm and started telling me something. "Lucky,"

"No." I cut him off, pulling my arm from him. "I want to hear him say it again. What did you just say?"

"We wouldn't be in this mess if Jasper could control himself."

"Do you think this is Jasper's fault?" I asked him.

"Of course it is," he replied calmly.

"Edward," Rosalie said, coming to stand by Emmet and me. "How could you say that?"

"Because it's true."

"You don't think it's your fault at all?" I asked him angrily.

"Why would it be my fault?" He asked, looking straight at me.

Are you kidding me? I pictured last night's events in my mind, hoping Edward was listening and seeing how I was helping Jasper calm down when he decided to throw Bella into glass.

"Oh," Edward said, clearly reading my mind. "You blame me for this whole thing."

"Why would I blame anyone else?" I stood up from the couch, seething with anger. "You're the one who continues to protect Bella before your own family, even when it's your bloodlust that sends Jasper over the edge!"

"It's his inability to keep his thirst under control that gets us in these situations!" Edward walked closer to me and pointed in the direction of the forest, trying to pin the blame on Jasper.

"No, it's not!" I said, stepping closer. "It is your fault for continuing to bring a human into a house of people who struggle around humans!"

"What about you?" Edward yelled. "Your not a vampire, and yet we let you live here with us."

"It's not the same," I told him. "I imprinted on Jasper. You're obsessed with your blood singer!"

"Imprinting means nothing." Edward got closer with every step. "You're nothing more than a stupid, worthless mutt!"

I was stunned into silence at Edward's words.

"Edward!" Carlisle yelled, finally snapping. "That is enough!"

But Edward didn't back down. He stopped an inch from my face, looked me in the eyes, and said, "I thought you trusted me with Bella?"

"No," I told him. "I said until you prove to me that I can't trust you, I will." I back away from him as I spoke. "Turns out I can't trust you anymore."

I turned from the living room and made my way up to my room.

tell him about my past, let him into my life, trust him, help him with Bella and the family, and he says that to me?!

I was livid. The second I entered my room, I grabbed a random bag and started throwing clothes in.

I felt a breeze, letting me know someone ran into the room. "What are you doing?" Alice asked me.

"If Edward doesn't want me here, I don't want to be here." I continued putting clothes into my bag as fast as I could.

"But this is your house too," Emmet said, walking into the room.

"Well," I told him, "maybe that was a mistake."

Rosalie walked in, saying, "Where will you go?"

"Sam's house."

All three took in an unnecessary breath.

"Please don't go," Alice said, hoping to convince me to stay.

"Too late." I grabbed my stuffed wolf and threw it into the bag before zipping it up and putting the strap over my shoulder. I turned and walked straight past Alice, Rosalie, and Emmet out my door.

As I walked down the stairs, Emmet called out, "Carlisle, make her stop. Tell her to stay."

As I made it to the bottom, I saw Carlisle and Esme standing in my way. I stopped in front of them and said, "Move."

Carlisle sighed and stepped to the side letting me through.

"No!" Emmet yelled, super speeding in front of me.

"Emmet," Carlisle said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We can't make her stay. If she wants to leave, she can."

"Thank you," I told Carlisle as I made my way through the front door. I walked down to my car as the family gathered by the door.

"How long will you be gone?" Noah asked me.

"I don't know," I told them as I climbed into my car. "If Jasper comes home, tell him I'm at Sam's and to call me." Before anyone could answer, I shut my door, started the car, and drove off.

His Wolf Pup - a Jasper Hale StoryWhere stories live. Discover now