Chapter 1

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(Read the description for the prologue thingy lol)


The child growled at the strange men, and women infront of her. "Woaah, she really does have a powerful aura!", Shalnark beamed, slapping his palms against each other, grinning brightly. Machi hummed after him.

Machi's gaze shifted towards Chrollo, his eyes were closed, he was holding his book aswell. "So, if she's gonna stay with us from now on, shouldn't we do something about this? She doesn't seem to trust us at all." Nobunaga asked, sighing. 

Feitan stepped forwards, the young child's growls grew higher every step that he took. In a sudden, he dissapeared from his spot, suprising the child for a slight second as he now stood behind her, her hands were being held by him from the behind, he tighten the hold, threatening to break her arms.

" go!!" She furiously trashed around and Feitan tighten his hold on her, making her stop instantly. "So you can talk now?" The child gritted her teeth, angrily glaring at the strange man. Feitan looked at Pakunoda, she gave him a subtle nod, walking towards them both.

The child trashed around again, with Feitan tightening the hold more as the child shouted in pain. "Don't.. c-come!!" Phinks sighed. "Does the brat have some issues or something? Because dealing with a brat like this is probably gonna be extremely exhausting and useless,"

Shalnark pouted, shaking his head. "Don't be like that, Phinks! Besides, I bet you're definitely the one that's gonna be on nice terms with her first!" Shalnark put both his hands on his waists, giggling when Phinks got an irked mark on his forehead. "What?! No, I won't! What'dya mean?!"

Pakunoda gasped slightly, making the attention go to her. "What is it?" Feitan questioned, still holding onto the squirming child. "She was raised in some sort of organization from what I've seen. The other children there had powerful auras surrounding their bodies as well. Many friends of hers died somehow, and the people who are possibly in charge of the organization only replied with 'They did not survive because their bodies were too weak.', whenever she tried to ask. All I saw after that was black. Most of her memories are blurred out"

"Maybe their aura nodes were forced to be open. That can explain the whole bodies were too weak and stuff right?'" Phinks closed his eyes, crossing his arms and glancing at the child who stopped moving again. "Well as long as they don't mess with any of us then I won't give any shits, right Uvo? Oh right, I forgot he went out for some wines." Nobunaga also crossed his arms, mumbling the last sentence as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I think Phinks is right. I wonder what was their goal.." Machi muttered.

"Oi. What am I.. supposed to do with this..?" Feitan grumpily grumbled, turning everyone's attention to the still child. Machi shifted her attention to Chrollo,

"Boss?" She called out. Chrollo stood up from his spot, he calmly walked towards the child, knelling down invfront of her. She looked at him hesitantly as Chrollo started to pay her head comfortingly, he smiled, "Do you remember me little one?"

The child who was still being held by Feitan, slowly nodded. "TThank.. yo-you.." Chrollo tilted his head in a confused manner. "What for?" She flushed red, quickly looking down at the ground bitting her inner cheek not to hardly, "T-Thank you for that- um- food!.." Chrollo chuckled at her.

"Your welcome." The angry- not really angry anymore it seems- child didn't reply him to him anymore and simply glared at the floor. "Let go of her, Feitan." Phinks deadpanned at the boss, muttering quietly, "You should've done that from the start.."

"Do you have a name, little one?" The child let out a confused mumble, tilting her head to the right as she processed what the man just said. "Name?" Feitan harshly let go off the girl's arms, she stumbled on herself a little, but managed to balance herself, sticking out her tongue at Feitan after doing so. 

"It's like a code that identifies your identity." Machi informed the clueless young girl with a small faint smile on her lips, the child looked at her feeling a hint of comfort from her. She looked back at Chrollo, "Oh.. my name is 0061, It's not nice to meet you all! E-except for Chrollo-san.." She quietly muttering the last sentence, however everyone still heard.

A gentle smile breezed onto Chrollo's lips, "Then, your name is (Name). Do you like it?" (Name)'s eyes shone, gripping the bottom of her dusty white skirt, happily nodding at him.  "(Name).." She liked the sound of her name, well, she liked how Chrollo was the one to give her a name more. She looked back at the ground, a small smile reaching her lips.

"Now, (Name). You don't need to be wary of these people. They won't do anything to you, like how I didn't do anything to you, okay?" Chrollo gently explained. (Name) looked at the other people in the room with a fierce look. Behind those fierce look of hers though, she was scared and hesitant, and the spiders knew. They saw right through her act.

Slowly, she nodded, looking back at the floor, tightening the hold on the hem of her skirt.


You know, I was gonna make (name) an oc named Rochi (Ro from Roku (6) and Chi from Ichi (1) like her code name back in the organization but Chrollo changed it to a name lol) instead, but I didn't for some reason😄


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