Chapter 16

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(Name) gritted her teeth in annoyance and glared at the loud cop. She ignored him, and stopped running. The cop jumped lightly, a little suprised that she stopped since he thought she will keep running. "Finally! Kid, fighting won't solve anything. Come, let's go to the poluce station."

(Name) looked at the cop with an angry defeated look, and gave in. "Fine." The cop smiled in relief and gestured for her to follow him. (Name) walked behind the cop and hid her hands in her pockets. (Name) was looking down, shadows covering her eyes looking like a human being that lost hope on life.

The cop didn't feel like (Name) would do anything to him right now, though, he still couldn't let go of this bad feeling in his chest. He looked back and saw that (Name) was looking at the sky. The cop sweatdropped and smiled lightly, looking back forwards.

The young girl turned her head back, staring at the cop's back just as he looked away from her. She grinned, jumping to him so that she would be standing next to the cop. The cop flinched, but then relaxed when he saw that she was only walking next to him. 'I'm being paranoid..'


"GAH- uh, w-what?"

(Name) reached out to her pockets a and took out her hunter license. "I'm a hunter. Let me go." The cop raised an eyebrow, "Wha-" A sudden pain emerged from his eye. (Name) stabbed his eye using a dagger longer than her usual daggers, a dangerous aura was surrounding the dagger, making it deadly. The cop had no time to react as as soon the dagger pierced his eye, he was dead in an instant.

(Name) glared at the cop, 'It could've been that easy if I did that the first time. I only needed one single dagger too. He's fast but extremely gullible. Am I gullible?' Her eyes suddenly widened in realization, now Chrollo couldn't steal his Nen abillity. Damn it.

She shook her head and took out the dagger from his eye, it was a disgusting sight. She should just throw this dagger away, ain't no way she was keeping this dagger with an annoying cop's blood all over it. (Name) kept the dagger, holding it with the tip of her two fingers as she jumped away from the scene.

(Name) ended up throwing the dagger into the ocean and went back to enjoy taking pitcures with her new high quality expensive camera.

After taking a whole lots of pitcures of the sky and many other things she found nice looking, (Name) took her phone to tell(brag) the members about her new camera and the pitcures she took with it. There was already tons of notifications coming from the phone. (Name) had silent it so she didn't really know.

(Name)'s eyebrows lifted in suprise, a small pure blush rosing on her cheeks as she looked at the screen. 'A message from Chrollo! ..I hope it's not about the book though.' She eagerly clicked on it.


Are you doing well (Name)?
Well, there's an auction that is about to happen in the soon future and I am planning for us to steal thinhs from there.
Do you wanna go with us?


and im doing awesome!!


Great to hear. This will be your first time joining us doing this.
Try to always be by a spider member's side to make sure nothing unwanted will happen to you.


Yes yes i get itt
Thanks Chrollo-san!!


After that's done, we can finally discuss about that book together. :)


Yes. Of course. Im looking forward to it.

Chrollo chuckled at her antics. Even through text she was easy to read. Meanwhile (Name) was panicking about this again. She kept forgetting to take the book from the clown back. She could've texted him and asked him for the book but when she got his number, out of pure spite, she deleted it right after. It seemed those actions did not make Hisoka angry or annoyed, which is the reaction (Name) was hoping for.

But she guessed she could worry about the book later. She got to go with the spiders to the auction to cause problems with them together! She was going to spend time with the spiders, and that was an extremely great thing. If Hisoka also joined in, she could also ask him for the book back and quickly read it.

She really couldn't wait for this.

'This is going to be a lot of fun for sure!'


the boring sidestories are now over now time for the more exciting part FINALLYY

Sorry for the short chapter, I'll make sure the next chapters related to the phantom troupe arc will have longer shit tho😸😸😸

family , phantom troupe x child reader .Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt