Chapter 7

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(Name) was peacefully sleeping on the floor, her head was on a comfy pillow and her body covered by the soft blanket. The floor didn't really feel uncomfortable, it felt okay. She also still managed to sleep peacefully despite Killua and Gon's loud laughing as they threw pillows at each other.

Gon caught another pillow Killua threw at him but didn't throw it back to Killua. Gon stopped, a grin creeped onto his lips as he slowly turned his head towards the sleeping (Name). Gon threw it at (Name) and when the pillow was about to hit her, her eyes snapped open and caught the pillow which was an inch away from hitting her face.

She glared at Killua, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT GEEZER?!!" Killua deadpanned and crossed his arms. "Hah who're you callin' geezer? That was not me! That was Go-" (Name) threw the pillow to Killua's face as he grabbed the pillow and glared at (Name), throwing it at Gon after, "Gon, tell her!"

Gon caught the pillow and cheerfully laughed. "Yeah! It was me that threw it at you!" Throwing the pillow back at (Name) as he grabbed another pillow and threw it at Killua's face. "Oh... FRICK YOU KILLUA!" (Name) threw both, her pillow and the pillow Gon threw at her towards Killua to which he threw each of them back to Gon and (Name).

"Hey, pipe down!" Leorio shouted from where he was laying at, which only made him receive some more loud laughs, "Let me sleep some more!" He was gonna go back to sleep but it was futile for lowlife's feet were very close to his nose. "Damn it, it stinks!"


It was morning now. Well atleast that was what they think. They couldn't tell considering there wasn't any windows in the room. Leorio was sleeping, Kurapika was reading a book and Gon was teaching Killua how to use a fishing rod. Whilst (Name), was pondering about what she would do about the whole 'discuss about the book with Chrollo', thing.

'Before I destroyed it a little bit, I read it until around page 30-45... Oh, wait, I'm stupid. The book wasn't even that destroyed that no one wouldn't be able to understand a word or anything, It just doesn't look neat anymore. I can still ask for the book from Hisoka and finish it-'

"H-Hey! What are you doing?!" Leorio suddenly shouted, interrupting (Name)'s internal ramblings. Killua grinned, "Just as planned!" (Name) squinted her eyes at them and shook her head, sighing.

'That does seems kinda fun...but whatever, ugh, bunch of.. weirdos.' (Name) glanced at the timer with a nonchalant look. 'If this doesn't end anytime soon, I will seriously start to lose my sanity..'


(Name) spent most of the time sleeping to pass the time and because she got sleepy often. Sometimes when she wasn't sleepy, she would either bicker with Killua, bond with Kurapika about the little amount books they read together, let Gon teach her how to use the fishing rod aswell and annoying lowlife with the fishing rod. She would occasionally annoy Leorio too because his reactions was satisfying.

There was one minute left before they would finally be able to proceed with the phase. Gon stretched his limbs, a cheerful smile on his face. (Name) yawned, having just woken up by Killua who slapped her head again. "Okay, ready to go!" Gon exclaimed happily.

"One more minute." Kurapika softly said as (Name) glance at the timer, sighing. 'This is one long minute.' A brief pause after, Leorio voiced her thoughts out loud.

"This is one long minute." Leorio sighed an aggravated sigh.

A buzz was heard as the red light on the side of the door turned green, the metal door sliding for everyone to exit. Gon was the first one to speed out as the others followed after with Leorio yelling at him to wait up.

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