Chapter 2

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Shalnark glared at Uvogin as he snatched away a bottle of wine out of (Name)'s grasps. "Shalnark, give that back, that's mine!" Jumping towards Shalnark to which he moved away from his previous spot, deadpanning at (Name) as she fell to the ground. Uvogin laughed, "Attack him, (Name)!!~ TAke back whats youuuUuurs!"

Shalnark sweatdropped at (Name) as she tried to take back the bottle of wine by standing on her tippy toes. Unfortunately for her, she wasn't tall enough. "(Name)-chan, you can't drink this, you know?? It's illegal!" Shalnark cried out. That didn't stop (Name), she wasn't gonna give up on that bottle of wine just because it was iLleGal.

"Give it back!! Besides I would do illegal stuff here and there too, so why can't I drink a BOTTLE of WINE?!!" Barking at Shalnark as she furiously jumped up and down, with Shalnark sighing and Uvogin laughing at him in the background.

"What the fuck is happening here?" Phinks lazily rubbed his back, walking towards the trio. "Uvogin gave (Name) a bottle of wine!! And she's not giving up until she gets the wine back from me too!" Shalnark whined, his hand was currently holding the wine up in the air. Phinks processed what Shalnark just said and snorted.

"HAHAHA! Well, good luck." Phinks then proceeded to go back to what he was doing, "EH?! WAI-" Shalnark got cut off by Uvogin who engulfed him into a tight hug, (Name) was sitting on Uvo's shoulders, so she snatchsd the wine back. "(NAME), NO!"

(Name) grinned in victory, sticking out her tongue at Shalnark as Uvogin cheered in victory aswell. Easily opening the cap, a big smile reached onto her lips. She was about to drink it but it was gone from her grip in an instant. "Huh? Where did it go?!"

"So this is what the commotion's all about?" Sighing, Machi looked at the three idiots. "M-Machi-san!" (Name) started to sweat, quickly climbing down from Uvo's shoulders. The older female looked at the younger one. "You're not supposed to drink this, (Name)." (Name) huffed, crossing her arms as she looked away from Machi. "Well it's not my fault I was curious!" Machi sighed and took the bottle's cap from (Name)'s smaller hands and putting it on the bottle.

Machi gave the wine back to Shalnark with him muttering out a thank you and Machi nodding. "Boss wants to talk to you about something, (Name)," (Name) perked up, looking at Machi, "Chrollo-san?" Humming as a response, (Name) excitedly nodded and sped towards where Chrollo would usually be at. After she was out of their sights, Shalnark looked at Machi, "Is this about the Hunter Exam?" Machi gave him a subtle nod.

"I still can't believe Hisoka's gonna go with her. I don't trust him. I don't trust him going there with (Name)." Shalnark hummed, rubbing the back of his neck after, giving Machi a sheepish smile. "This was technically my fault for mentioning the Hunter Exam infront of (Name)-chan!"

Machi crossed her arms, looking at where (Name) left off to, "Well, we can't really do anything about it now that it has happened." Uvogin, who was still drunk, laughed. Patting Shalnark's back a bit too harshly, making Shalnark stumble a little. "Don't wooory! (Name) will be fiiiine!! I am sure of it!"

Machi shrugged, mumbling to herself, "I guess..."


(Name) ran over to Chrollo, sitting next to him as she looked over to Chrollo who was focusing his attention on the book. (Name) tilted her head in confusion. "Chrollo-san?"

Chrollo hummed, closing his book as he looked at her (e/c) pair of eyes with his amber ones. "Alright, you remember the Hunter Exam right?" Chrolly gently smiled with (Name) nodding after. An excited look replaced her confused one as she looked at Chrollo excitedly. "I do remember, I do!" Clenching her fists as a grin reached her face. Chrollo looked at her and chuckled. "I will let you take it. I believe you will pass the exam without any effort whatsoever."

Her grin stretched out into a bigger one as Chrollo continued, "But Hisoka will be going there with you too since he also wants to take the Exam, alright?" (Name) squinted her eyes, her lips turning into a straight line as the enthusiasm that was obviously shown on her facial expression a few seconds before dissapeared in an instant. "Ehh?? But but, I can go there by myself! I'm strong enough, aren't I?" (Name) pouted, glaring at Chrollo aswell.

"You are. But Hisoka also wants to take the Exam so you might aswell go with him, right? Or do you not want to go, hm?" (Name) closed her eyes, still pouting with her arms crossed. "Okay. Fine."


(Name) and Hisoka were seen walking down the street, with the sides full of stalls. (Name) was skipping next to Hisoka who was as usual, smiling with the creepy smile of his. She followed him as Hisoka walked into a restaurant. She was confused, but still followed him.

Hisoka went up to one of the chefs, and,

ordered food.

An irk mark appeared on (Name)'s forehead as she glared at Hisoka. "Hey, clown. I don't wanna eat!-" The chef cut her off, "You can wait in the back room. The food will be ready soon." (Name) perked up,

'back room?'

Her mouth formed an O as she deadpanned, following Hisoka as they walked towards the back room. (Name) sweatdropped, and looked to the side, 'I look dumb now. Well, I mean, It's his fault since he didn't tell me before hand, anyway!'

Huffing, (Name) crossed her arms as they entered the back room. (Name) sat on one of the chairs, whilst Hisoka leaned against the wall, a card in the middle of his index and middle fingers, offering the air a smug creepy smile.

(Name) looked at the elevator door, raising her eyebrows as she thought it was kind of cool that an elevator looked like this. After a few seconds of waiting, the door opened, revealing a lot of other men and women participating in the exam.

The two walked in as a bean looking creature walked up to them, handing them two badges. Hisoka took the one that had 44 on it, and (Name) took the one with number 45. They both walked into the crowd, as the crowd made a way for them.

Hisoka and (Name) were now standing in the middle of the other participants. (Name) noticed how some people were whispering stuff about them as she could hear Hisoka's name and "the girl near Hisoka," or, "That girl with him," and etc.

Tugging Hisoka's pants lightly as the magician looked at (Name), his smile still attached to his lips. (Name) paid no mind to his weird smile as he raised an eyebrow. "Why's everyone whispering about you attacking someone? Or just, you in general?"

Hisoka closed his eyes, offering (Name) a closed eyes smile. "I attacked an examiner last year and got disqualified. Well, that's one of the reasons. I'm pretty sure you know the other reasons, right?~♡︎" (Name) deadpanned at the closed eyes smiling Hisoka as she stopped tugging his pants.

A few minutes had passed and a few other people filled the room a little more. The exam was still not startong yet and (Name) was getting bored. (Name) loudly and heavily sighed. "Hisokaaaaa, I'm bored and tired of standing! Let's find a spot where I can sit against a wall or somethinggg.."

Taking a hold of Hisoka's arm, she dragged him with her trying to find a spot. Hisoka didn't let go and just followed her. She spotted a nice looking spot, quickly running there as she leaned against the wall, exhaling a relieved sigh, she slowly slid down. "When's the exam gonna start anyway? Because I don't wanna wait any longerr.. this is annoyingg."

"Hm. Chrollo did give me this book for you to read incase you got bored. Would you like to have it, little fruit? ♡︎" Hisoka somehow creepily questioned, taking out a book from wherever he hid it. (Name) jumped up, snatching the book away from Hisoka as she opened it. Starting to read it as the sound of people talking in the bakground started fading as she focused on her book.

Someone bumped into (Name), resulting her to bump to Hisoka who was next to her, snapping her focus off of her book. Hisoka raised an eyebrow, looking at her, (Name) shook her head, gesturing at the man who bumped into her which made her bump into Hisoka. The magician then creepily smirked at the man.


Just wanna say that (Name) was so focused on her book and didn't notice Hisoka bringing or- dragging her to another spot😃👍

Also I was gonna write more but I need to sleep so GOOD BYEYEYE HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS!! <3



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