Chapter 15

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(Name) hid her presence and walked in the door quickly, no one would've thought someone entered if it weren't for the bell placed near the door that rang everytime someome enters the shop. Fortunately for (Name), she quickly hid herself from the person at the cashier's view who had cut himself off after saying, "Hello! Welcome t-" when se saw no one.

"..Huh? I could've sworn the bell..." She was a little spooked, but then again, maybe she just imagined it. So she shrugged and focused her attention back to her phone. (Name) looked around the shop and shelves full of cameras, she looked for a camera with the most expensive price tag on it for a little while, she sighed internally. Maybe she should've just entered the shop like normal person and asked where the best camera was at and then steal it. She really should've thought this through.

After a while of searching and memorizing, she spotted the most expensive camera in this shop. She took it from the shelf and cut off the price tag with her dagger before stepping out of the shop as the alarm rang. She flinched lightly, suprised but quickly jumped to a building and hopped from buildings to buildings, grinning.

She heard sirens. Police sirens to be exact. Her face morphed into a confused expression. She was going really fast and her presence was hid, how in the hell did mere cops caught up with her? Her eyes widened a little when she sensed something. 'A nen user?!' She panicked, but it did not last long since they were probably weaker than her..probably. I mean, why would a powerful Nen user become a cop? They can just become a Hunter, right? They can get more money that way. 'Wait, what if they are a Hunter but chose to become a police for no reason?!'

(Name) frowned and looked down at the police car chasing her. 'What's their nen abillity? I can't think of anything.. But, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with speed... I don't know if nen can make a car go faster than normal though. If Chrollo-san's here I wouldn't have to be all confused like this!!'

(Name) took two daggers out, and tried to focus so she would be able to pop the tires perfectly while hopping from building to building aswell. It was hard, but the Troupe trained her, so if she would to fail doing this simple thing, it would be a great insult to the spiders. Atleast, that was what she thought.

The car stopped as two sharp weapons hit the front tires, (Name) smugly grinned at the successful attempt and continued looking forward while also releasing her En to see if they can still chase after her, since perhaps the cop can also make themselves run faster. She hoped they couldn't. It would be a real drag if they could..

Her eye twitched as she saw a cop coming out of the car chasing after her with incredible speed, the cop was wearing a sunglasses. He took out a megaphone and yelled. "STOP RIGHT THERE, YOUNG LADY!" (Name) could only cringe as she sped up, the cop was still not giving up and was beginning to get closer to her as he jumped on the buildings, following her.

'How annoying... I wanted to steal this camera with no killing because today's a good day, but of course this someone will ruin it... How's he so fast anyway?!' (Name) only stuck out her tongue at the cop as he chased after her shouting at her to stop running. She was starting to panic again. This was bad, if this kept up she'll get caught!

'Fuc- NO, oh, Machi-san's not..NO, focus, I'll just throw a bunch of daggers at him, no matter the speed, he wouldn't be able to dodge all my daggers..' And so, a bunch of sharp ass daggers flew towards the cop in a quick motion. He dodged them all, but some managed to strike his skin earning him some scratches here and there.



The daggers that the cop dodged before, came flying back to him, he sensed it though and instantly jumped around dodging the daggers which again, managed to give him some scratches. He let out a relieved sigh, 'Sheesh.. that was close.' He perked up, panicking when he realized the daggers were now coming (Name)'s way, 'Oh shit-!'

The daggers didn't get to hurt (Name) one bit. They were all placed neatly in between her fingers, one quick motion and the daggers were flying back to the cop as (Name) became more eager on killing him. She was getting frustrated and annoyed. She couldn't get caught no matter what, they would definitely.. huh. He did say they won't hurt her, but that could easily be a lie.

But she was a child. And children don't usually get severe consequences for their actions when it came to breaking the law, unless it was that bad. 'I'm a Hunter. Will they instantly let go of me when I show them my license? Can Hunters steal and it's not illegal? I hope so. I'm still not gonna stop though. No way am I letting myself get caught by a cop!'

'Why does he keep dodging my daggers??!! It's only giving him some scratches, well sure he's bleeding a lot but it's just scratches!! Am I that amateur that he was able to dodge all this?! No! Definitely not! He's just fast! That's the only thing he's good at!' (Name) kept throwing a bunch of daggers, she made them way more deadly and fast than before so the amount of daggers she can throw was smaller than before, but it didn't matter. The dagger came flying his way, directly to his forehead. The cop's eyes widened as he panicked, 'That'll kill me!-'

'Yes! Please die!'

He did not die. It didn't hit any vital spots, how was that possible? (Name)'s eye twitched again, speechless, confused, annoyed and angry all at the aame time. "HOW DID YOU DODGE THAT??!?!



Should i let the cop die btw

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