Chapter 21

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After (Name) washed up, she quickly went back to the Troupe's base. "I should've followed him, damn it!" She hid her presence in an instant and leaned against a pillar, eavesdropping in the conversation. "If he doesn't come back tomorrow morning, there will be a change of plans." (Name)'s expression hardened visibly at this.

'What? They're talking about Uvo I'm sure..' Fear crossed her face at the thought of Uvogin possibly dying in the hands of the chain user, she clenched her fists lightly and went poker-faced. "I'm back." (Name)'s gloved hands placed themselves in her pockets, she then stepped into the base, her gaze fixated on the Troupe members, excluding Hisoka.

She walked closer to where they were gathering at, as some of the members looked at each other as if asking if they should tell her about it. (Name) furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Chrollo, asking him to explain what was going on. Chrollo sighed, "It's about Uvogin. The Chain user's ability might be something that can win against him and if he doesn't come back by tomorrow morning, it means-"

"-He's dead?" (Name) raised an eyebrow, cutting Chrollo off in a frustrated manner despite her face that remained unmoving. Chrollo closed his eyes and nodded, "Yes." (Name)'s face stayed monotone as the hands in her pockets clenched into a fist. "Okay." She mum,bled, her lower lip quivering slightly, almost unnoticeable. Chrollo only stared at her with an unreadable expression.


(Name) hugged her knees close to her chest and looked at the ground in silence. Machi and Nobunaga went out to do something that might lure the Chain User into their trap. Uvogin didn't come back when morning arrived, and it scared (Name), a lot. However, she still wanted to believe that Uvo was still alive. After all, he still needed to fulfill his promise, right? He promised to her that he would drink wine or beer with her when she got older with the rest of the Troupe. So how can he just leave her without fulfilling his promise first, right?

(Name) stood up, alerting the others. She placed on a smile on her face, "I'm going out for a bit! I'll be back." She said, getting out of the base. She jumped on one of the empty buildings near and jumped a bit far away from there where the Troupe won't be able to hear or sense her presence anymore.

(Name) walked around in silence, her eyes looked empty. She still wasn't over the memory that got triggered last night and now Uvogin. ThE Chain user really killed him, huh. (Name) didn't know how the Chain user looked like, but she still wanted them dead. Whoever the Chain user is, she wanted them to die in her and the Troupe's hands. They had to pay for what they did to Uvo. They even made Uvo break his promise to her even though he had never even once broke a promise to (Name).

If (Name) tried to stop Uvogin from going after the Chain user, would he not go and stayed with the Troupe? He wouldn't have died then.. right? Was this her fault? (Name)'s eyebrows furrowed, as she plopped down on the ground, sitting on top of an abandoned building's roof, looking at the sky. The shining sun immediately blinded her eyesight and she quickly looked away, blinking rapidly. She sighed. "It's like that time all over again.."

"..What time? Huh, no.. what?.." (Name)'s eyes widened slightly. Kumi. Right. What happened to her? Maybe she also died like, Uvogin. Her chest hurt just thinking of that. She shook her head violently and jumped into a standing position. "I'm supposed to get my mind of those things here! Why am I thinking of that again?!" (Name) sighed, taking out her camera and positioning it so that it captures the sky perfectly. The weather was quite nice today. Today wasn't that nice of a day for (Name) though, unfortunately. Click.

She inspected the photo she took, she really liked looking at the high quality photos on her camera that she took. It was just fun to look at, she guessed? She put the camera back into her seemingly small pocket that could fit any sort of stuff in them somehow and walked back to the base. "Hey guys, I'm bac-! holy shi-" (Name) slammed her hands against her mouth, taking in the sight of.. Gon and Killua.. with the Troupe. Machi glanced at (Name) as well as some other members. "Oh? (Na-)"

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