Chapter 8

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The group of six completed the third phase without anyone missing whatsoever, much to (Name)'s dissapointment. She really wanted lowlife gone. Was that too much to ask for?

(Name) looked at Gon as the others complimented him. She wanted to say thank you aswell, but saying thank you was embarrassing. Her pride just mattered so much more. But she still wanted to say thank you. Perhaps not a thank you for finding a way so that the 6 of them could pass the third phase since she was honestly looking forward to lowlife dying, but still.

She also still wanted to ask if Gon considered her a friend. But nevermind, since that was probably more embarrassing to say. So she decided to just only thank him instead. It was easy. No it wasn't easy.

"Uhm.. Th-Thanks. I guess, I'm gon' go back to Hisoka, BYE." (Name) ran away flustered as Gon smiled at her, "No problem!!" Hisoka slyly grinned at the sprinting (Name) as he fiddled with his cards. "Took you long enough," He cooed, only seemingly to make (Name) more irked. "Hnpf, didn't you see I was with a group? If I was by myself I would've finished this waaay faster!.."

Hisoka gave her a side eye, and closed his eyes, humming. "But you did get new friends, did you not?" Hisoka stood up along with the other applicants as (Name) followed. "They're not my friends!! They never even confirmed if we were friends or not so we're not- friends... clown." Hisoka hummed again, walking towards the exit with (Name) next to him. "I'm sure Chrollo will be delighted to hear that lonely little (Name) had finally made friends~"

(Name) glared holes at Hisoka, clenching her fists, growling. "I will not hesitate to stab you with my daggers." Her voice, ice cold as she stated that. "Hm?~ The spiders are not supposed to attack each other from what I remember~,"

"You're not a spider. You're just a clown that's only there to entertain the spiders with your clown tric-" A card flew pass her, a small scar simillar to Hisoka's scar to which (Name) threw it at him before on the cooking phase, appeared on (Name)'s right cheek. "And I thought you said spiders weren't supposed to fight each other.. yOU STUPID CLO-"

Another card flew towards her, although (Name) dodged it, les than a second after, a dagger also flew towards Hisoka which unfortunately for (Name), he swiftly dodged it.

(Name) grumbled a few censored cursed words at Hisoka as the others listened to what Lippo was explaining.


They were now in a boat that was going to some Island where the applicants were going to do the hunting thing at. (Name) roamed around the boat since she couldn't stay with Hisoka for any longer because his presence alone was a  nuisance to her. She lit up slightly, spotting Gon and Killua. 'Gon please notice me and tell meto come over, pleasepleaseelspelspelspsls'

That was what she was chanting. If she was to just approach them and asked what badge they had out of curiousity, they'd either be suspicious that one of might be (Name)'s target, or they will get the wrong idea and think that she wanted to befriend them, which wasn't actually wrong, but still, (Name) was not gonna let them think that, absolutely not. Although, she won't mind if they do see her as a friend, because that would be nice and pog.

She had purposedly slipped and yelled a very loud, 'ow', to get Gon to tell her to come and talk with them or something, and it worked as Gon noticed and invited her over. Her eyes quickly filled themselves with sparkles as she held back a grin, walking towards the two. Gon waved at her whilst Killua only offered her a deadpan. "Hi again, (Name)! Are you okay?"

"Hi, Gon.. Yes, I'm fine.." She awkwardly sat next to Gon, as the three suddenly started talking about the numbers that they got. So it turned out Gon had gotten Hisoka to which (Name) felt sorry for him, and Killua got one of the- was it- Oma- Amori? Omori? whatever, brothers. (Name) then showed the two the number she got to which Gon tilted his head at Killua when he choked for absolutely not reason.

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