Chapter 25

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Flashback to before the Phantom Troupe left the building >

"What do you mean we're leaving?" Nobunaga asked, turning to face the boss of the Phantom Troupe, Chrollo. "Just like I said, we're leaving tonight." Chrollo stated. (Name) half-listened to Chrollo as she still was looking away. "We'll take the rest of the treasure tonight. And that's the end of it." (Name) got distracted from her thoughts 'More treasure..' Her eyes sparkled. She felt like a pirate. Uvogin would fit the captain pirate job, -if he was still here. "Not yet." The storm, well, stormed as Nobunaga uttered those words.

Chrollo looked at Nobunaga, a collected expression on his Godly features. "What else is there?" He asked. "We have to find the chain user." (Name) furrowed her eyebrows and her thoughts about the death of Uvogin and his killer came swarming back into her head. "You're really obsessed, huh?" "Yes, I'm obsessed."

"We're going to leave without avenging Uvo? He'll be bored in the next world if we don't send the Chain user to join him." (Name) flinched lightly, 'Omg (a word Phinks texted her), he's right. We have to avenge him.' Her upper lips nibbled on the lower on as a troubled expression formed on her face. 'But if chain user's really strong, what if another member dies?' If that were to happen, then once again, another promise would break. Chrollo jumped down after Nobunaga and Franklin bickered. (Name) blinked curiously and looked at Chrollo, curiously. She jumped down after him and walked to wear Machi was leaning on, there was Feitan sitting near the spot too. She waved at Machi with a huge smile as the older woman smiled lightly at her antics and waved back.

Machi stared at the scene of Chrollo wanting to ask Nobunaga a question, as (Name) leaned on the giant box Machi was also leaning on, copying her pose. Machi did not react, but she found (Name)'s behavior to be really cute and wanted to squish her cheeks so badly. "When is your birthday?" Everyone was dumbfounded by Chrollo's question, but Nobunaga answered all of his questions truthfully anyway. "Your name?"

"Nobunaga Hazama! You already knew!The hell is this about? What do you wanna know next?!" He shouted in annoyance as Chrollo replied, "No, that's enough. Now write all of that on this sheet." (Name) blinked, smiling blankly. 'Nobunaga sounds like he's on his shark week that Machi was talking about. According to what Machi said, since he's much older than 15 he probably has it right?' She snickered, covering her mouth so that her snickers were muffled. She whispered at Machi, "Heheh, he's on his shark week." Machi's eyes widened and she looked to the side, covering her mouth as she bursted out laughing, quietly. Feitan furrowed his eyebrow as the other one raised up in a confused way as he looked at both girls.

Anyways, Chrollo went to sit on something made from wood as Nobunaga gave the sheet that now consisted of his informations, a strange aura surrounded Chrollo and a monster like creature made from what (Name) assumed to be nen appeared, guiding(?) him in whatever Chrollo was writing. The aura and monster dissapeared and Chrollo handed Nobunaga his paper. "Hah? What's this?"

"A completely accurate fortune written in verse form. The ability to see the future. I stole this power from the Nostrade's daughter." (Name) yawned, "What the hell is verse form?" She got a bonk on the head from Machi for cursing. Chrollo gladly answered her question, "A composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines." (Name), nodded understandingly. "I don't get it, Chrollo-san." Machi sighed and shook her head, "It's a poem (Name). A poem." The young girl's mouth formed an O, "Ohhh! You should've just said that from the start, Chrollo-san! HAHAHA!"

Nobunaga raised an eyebrow, "So this is a completely accurate fortune?" Chrollo nodded, "Each of the four verses predict what will happen in that week."


"Well, Nobunaga?" Shalnark asked, wanting to know what was the prediction in the paper Nobunaga's holding. "Next week, five of us will probably die." (Name)'s eyes twitched as they widened in surprise. Oh no. It was because of the chain user right? She didn't want any of them to die? Phantom troupe is super strong! The fortune is bullshit! No way! "Which five?" Franklin asked. Nobunaga rolled his eyes, "No idea. I can't figure out what it all means." (Name) shouted, "What??! None of you are allowed to die! If any of you die I hope Uvo beats your asses for it!!" Machi bonked (Name)'s head once again. She huffed and closed her ears very tightly, not wanting to hear any of this bullshit.

(Name) raised her hand covering her ears and secretly listened in, as if on cue, they were talking about (Name)! "(Name) is the thirteenth member, and the last month's December. Which is twelve. What about her then?"

"Ah, right. None of these poems mentions anything that could be (Name)."

(Name) perked up at this, not really caring about it though. "(Name), write your birth date, blood type, and name here as well." She flinched and covered her ears again, not until she couldn't hear a thing of what the Troupe was saying though. "I know you can hear me." She flinched again and sweat dropped. "Ugh fine!" She pouted, still not really in the best mood after hearing that half of the spider might die according to the prediction. Chrollo smiled and gave her a sheet of paper, she took it and took a pen too.

She looked at the paper and wrote.

Birth date; '(Birth date)'

Blood type; '(Blood type)'

Name; '(Name)'

And gave it to Chrollo, he looked at the paper, and used the Nen power that he stole. Except it did not work. The monster like creature did not appear like before. Chrollo hummed knowingly. "I suppose this didn't work since the birth date (Name) wrote was the date that she was taken in by the Troupe. Not her actual birth date. Perhaps it was also because '(Name)' was not her name before I found her." The tip of the pen on Chrollo's hand touched his chin as he pondered on, 'Or did she not have a name before I gave her one?' (Name) frowned, she was kinda curious to see what the prediction for her would be.

"Sorry Chrollo-san." Chrollo chuckled, "There's nothing you should be apologizing for. This is not your fault." Shalnark nodded and ruffled (Name) hair, "Yeah! It's not your fault (Name)-chan!" (Name) frowned deeper as she sighed heavily, "This is such a drag."


Hoho whoopsies no one knows what the future might hold for (Name) now since no one knows her actual name and birth date!

why didn't (Name) put the name Kumi called her from her past memories instead? figure that out yourself! HAHRHAHRHHRA

anyways, see you in the next chapter! Drink lots of water and stay alive mwa!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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