Chapter 23

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Chaos, explosions everywhere. (Name) was having lots of fun, she got tired halfway, so she decided to get a water break and stole a bottle of water. She gulped down the water and dodged the incoming attacks easily. An enemy tried attacking (Name) with bare hands, letting out  a war cry. He was panicked and was not in the right state of mind. All (Name) had to do was dodge his pathetic attempt at attacking her as his face fell flat on the ground making (Name) laugh out loud.  Stab. He was dead, blood his blood all over the ground, "Hehe, that was kinda funny." Someone let out a war cry, his arms opened wide as if gesturing for (Name) to come into his arms. ew. "Child! Y-You're threatened to do this by the Troupe, aren't you? Come w-with us and we'll he-" She sent a dagger straight to his forehead and sighed in irritation. "Eugh, no way!" She exclaimed to the dead man, her face morphed into a disgusted look. "Oi, (Name)-chan, come on! Are you done? We're going to where Boss is at!" Shalnark shouted at (Name) who was still surrounded by enemies. Her eyes comically turned into circles as she sweat dropped and frantically yelled."EH?? Right now??! Wait!! Hold onn!"

"You need help?" Machi asked her, killing an enemy. "Nope! I just need eight seconds." All those enemies surrounding her were sweating in the present of the young Troupe member. Although they did underestimate her before, after seeing the kid kill those guards so effortlessly, it was enough to make them cower in fear. Though, some still underestimated her, and assumed those guards died only because they were weak. But seeing those large amount of daggers going their way in a very fast pace was enough to erase those thoughts. They were stabbed by poisonous daggers simultaneously very quickly.

Phinks whistled at the scene in amusement as Shalnark clapped for (Name). "That was awesome!" He said, proud. (Name) grinned smugly and rested her arms behind her head. "Hehe, I could've done that trick wayy before if I didn't want this fight to finish quickly, you know that? Hahahah!" Nobunaga ruffled her head in a proud manner whilst Machi raised an eyebrow at her, her face looked like she was deadpanning at the younger girl. Feitan looked at her blankly. "Doesn't that trick use a pretty big amount of your energy?" He asked.

"Haha..ha? What do you mean? Come onn we need to go to Chrollo-san's place!" She pouted internally, a little disappointed Feitan said that instead of also praising her.

'Hmph. The least he could do was say I did good! But he just embarrassed me!'


"Looks like you had fun, boss." Franklin said. "Yeah. I'm a little tired now." Shalnark came walking in, "You were up against the Zoldycks after all."

"I wish I could've seen how those two fought you." Shizuku admitted with a blank look. Feitan, Machi, and ugh.. Hisoka, walked in as well. (Name) furrowed her eyebrows, why was he here anyways? As far as she knew, Hisoka didn't even join in the massacre.  "Fighting is more fun that just watching." Feitan stated, disagreeing with Shizuku. (Name) was crouching down next to Chrollo, smiling. "Chrollo-san, I killed a lot of people today! It was so much fun!!" The spider's head smiled at her, he ruffled her head which made her already messy hair way messier. "I'm glad you had fun. Good job. Once we go back, we can finally talk about the book I gave to you to read." (Name) looked at Chrollo in horror as she froze. 'H-He still remembers that?' He chuckled at her reaction and turned to Kortopi. "Kortopi, everything ready?"

"Of course. I can't make living copies, but I can provide static copies." He informed. Chrollo stood up from the floor as (Name) also jumped up. "Good enough. Then, we'll stick to the plan. Also," He took of the tie around his head, "Don't touch the ambulance the girl is in."


The Troupe went to the auction place's backstage, while the others looked for things for Kortopi to copy, (Name) only sat next to Kortopi, watching him copy the auction items with the excuse that she was too tired because of the fight. The excuse was only a lie by the way, she was in fact, the most energetic out of all the members right now even after using the trick that took a pretty big amount of her energy. She was still pretty bummed out because of Feitan. He was the one that taught her that trick so she thought he'd be proud. 'I swear to myself I will ignore him for the rest of the day! Take that, rude emo!'

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