Chapter 4

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tw: gore ig? (Idk if thats gore and if people get triggered by it but yeah, just incase people do get triggered.)

(Name)'s lips created a thin line as she ran, trying to find the pig the examiners told them to make food with. (Name) pondered about something as she kept running, 'I have never cooked anything before, but I should be fine, right? I've threathen chefs to cook me food and watched them cook the food before, so this should be easy!'

(Name) snickered to herself, very confident that she will pass. Looking at the air with a mocking grin as if she was looking at Hisoka, 'Hisoka probably can't cook, so he won't have to be by my side for the whole exam!' Sparkles appearing in her eyes as she skipped around, looking for the pigs.

Sensing and aswell hearing somethings coming her way, she turned towards whatever that was coming her way and was met with the sight of people running away from giant pigs. Deadpanning as she jumped upwards, landing on a tree, she observed the people and pigs from there.

Her attention shifting to a green themed boy who also seemed to be her age, screaming the pig's weak spot. (Name) jumped on one of the running pigs, immediately landing on its weak spot as it stopped moving. It was now laying dead on the ground, (Name) hurried over and carried it all the way to where the cooking stations were at.

Walking to her cooking station, she looked at the other applicants. Seeing them just putting the pig on the stoves and waiting for it to be cooked. Shaking her head like how a professional chef would, she began her work, smirking confidently.





"WHAT IS THIS?! THIS IS JUST THE SAME LIKE THE OTHERS' DISHES EXCEPT YOU CUT IT INTO PIECES AND PUT LEAVES ON IT!" Menchi fumed at her, slamming her fists on the desks as (Name) flinched, her eyes widening her eyes for a second and shaking her head as she crossed her arms, a sweatdrop on her cheek.

"But the chefs I've seen put leaves on their dishes too!! I put it on the food for more flavour!!" (Name) yelled back as an irked mark appeared on Menchi's forehead. Menchi frustratingly glared at (Name), "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!! YOU FAIL!!"

In the end, both of the examiners failed her. With the big guy complaining how the dish was too small and with the woman yelling at her that her dish was the same as everyone elses except (Name) cut them into pieces and put leaves on top of it for "more flavour", as (Name) said.

(Name) calmly walked back to her kitchen area stuff with a forced looking cheerful smile on her lips. Crossing her arms as she looked forwards, her eyes closed as the same cheerful smile was still in place. 'Hahahahahahaha, I get it. They were saying how Hunters doesn't cook like actual chefs and cooks like Hunter chefs and they were telling me that I should be a chef instead because my skills are not a Hunter's, but a normal chef's skill. Did that make sense? I think it made sense!'

She heard someone familliar chuckling, shifting her head to the source of the snicker, she saw a clown slyly chuckling her way as he fiddled with his cards. Furiously glaring at him, (Name) clenched her fists. "My, (Name)-chan~ ♡︎, I had thought the male examiner would've atleast passed you."

(Name) gritted her teeth, "Shut up! You didn't pass either, you clown!" A dagger came shooting his way, it scratched Hisoka's cheek. Hisoka slyly grinned as he looked at (Name) with a very disturbing look. (Name) shivered and glared at him, turning away as she began minding her own business.

Anyways, a few stuff happened. A not really important person complained how they didn't accept how they all failed and they fought with the examiners a bit. A few minutes later the 12th Chairman of the Hunter Association landed on the ground and scolded Menchi and she ended up declaring for a new exam thing, so as for now they were in an airship, going to the place where the exam was gonna restart at.

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