It's okay, you're okay

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"-The warden and I are outside, we got out through the front gates just before the psych ward got shut down and the prisoners took over reception; we've had to board up the front gates with defence so they don't get out" Hotch explained down the radio to Reid as he studied the plans of the building, "we've got Rossi, Emily and Ashley out here but we can't get hold of Darling and Derek; we have SWAT and the army on standby out here but I'm not letting them go in until we have you safe out here- what's your status update?"

"I-I've been hiding for three hours, 57 minutes and 54 seconds now. The infirmary quietens down for around 10 minutes and then someone comes back as if they're doing loops or... or looking for me" Reid answered with a shaky voice.

"Okay Warden, what's his nearest exit?" Hotch asked the man next to him.

"He won't be able to exit; if we open those gates then the prisoners will make a run for it- they're waiting for that, you said that yourself."

"But my team are still in there" Hotch turned to him with a stern expression, "you asked us to come here and help you and now my team are trapped in there fighting for their lives and I will not-"

Hotch paused when he heard a blood curdling scream making him and everyone look up at the building.

"Where did that come from?" Hotch turned to Rossi who scanned the building plans.

"The psych ward."

"And who was nearest there before the lockdown?"

"Darling and Morgan" Emily answered, walking over quickly with another radio, "we've picked up some motion in the psych ward radio room and it seems like it's them... but it's not good news."

"Holy moly, holy moly, holy mother of freaking moly-" Darling gasped, dropping the metal pipe that she had just smashed over the head of a man and stumbled backwards into the wall.

"Darling!? Are you okay?! Darling open the door!" Morgan bashed on the radio room door where Darling had climbed through the ceiling tiles to after he broke open the barred door into the 'free roam' area of the psych ward.

He had boosted her up into the ceiling after a slightly heated back and forth of him not wanting her to go alone; her saying she'd be fine and then saying she'd wait with Sugar, Morgan not wanting her to wait out there alone and suggesting they send Sugar in, Sugar seeming to get agitated and almost blowing up at the idea of that which was when Darling convinced him to stay and hold hands with Morgan so he wouldn't be alone- hushing Morgan's concern of her going into a locked room where they didn't know what or who was in there.

At first it looked like there was nothing in the sort of converted break room but old computers, a radio station and a poker table- but then someone grabbed her, making her scream bloody murder as they launched her across the table.

Morgan didn't hear what happened next, the scream alone was enough for him to start throwing himself against the metal infused door with all his might to break it down, the silence that came after was more terrifying and a more of a reason to get to her.

Just as he thought the hinges would break, the door was opened from the other side and Darling stood smiling at them.

"I told you I would get the dang thing open, you didn't need to try to break the whole building down-" she went to joke but Morgan grabbed her and pulled her into a panicked hug.

"Don't ever make me worry like that again" he held her face and looked down at her with a serious concern, almost breathless with panic.

Darling was speechless for a moment, she had never seen this level of intense concern before, this intense worry that told her he was genuinely terrified something had happened to her.

Darling deception- a criminal minds fanficWhere stories live. Discover now