Chaos and Distractions

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//Darling's outfit inspiration for this chapter is above :))//

(Also forewarning this chapter will make you mad, made me mad writing it too lol but trust the process besties- thank u for reading btw! I love reading your guy's comments so much )

"Is that a limo?" Rossi couldn't help his laughter as the bright pink limo pulled up to the office two hours later than Hotch and Morgan did.

Hotch turned from the front door where he had been impatiently waiting with the rest of the team on the steps of the building, storming over to the vehicle that was blasting Britany Spear's 'Work Bitch' from the speakers with the windows down as Darling got out of the car.

"Thanks doll, keep the change- have a safe journey back" she handed a stack of cash to the driver with a smile before turning to the team with a shoulder wiggle.

Morgan couldn't help his amused smile as he followed the bright red go-go styled high knee boots up her legs to a vintage green coat with extravagant fake fur on the collar and her now short length hair blown out with new wispy bangs underneath a new pair of red heart sunglasses that did not match the cold weather by any means.

Her unexpectedly cocky smile was accommodated by a simple glance over at the team with a flick of her wrist to greet them- a wrist that Morgan noticed hadn't quite recovered from the intense bruising left from Luke the other week.

"What is this Dawson? You're two hours late, arriving in a god damn limo, wasting our time making us-" Hotch stormed over to her but she held up her finger to silence him as she answered her ringing phone with a level of ditsy calm that the team didn't expect her to have after finding out that Luke would be not only not in jail but coming back and she would have to see him again- news that they were all outraged about.

But Darling didn't seem the least bothered as she casually spoke down the phone to whoever it was.

"No it's fine I'm free to talk Jenkins, I'm not up to much" she shrugged before Hotch grabbed her phone from her hands and hung up.

"Excuse me, I wasn't finished with my call" Darling placed her hands on her hips, shaking her head at him, "that was rude."

"Cut the attitude Dawson" he glared at her, only fuelling her perky but aloof and 'ditsy' attitude.

"I don't know what you mean Hotchner, I'm just acting like you all think of me as- just a simple country girl whose nothing but chaos and distractions" she shrugged with a sarcastic smile and a mocking tone.

"Dawson" he forced his anger down, "stop acting like this before Erin comes out here."

"Or what? She gonna spank me? Tell me off? Put me on the naughty step?"

Emily couldn't help her laugh in response, as couldn't Rossi- but his was more over taken with concern for the fear that he spotted glint over her eyes when the door opened and someone other than Erin walked out.

"Hello there sunshine" Luke's voice cut through Darling's persona she promised herself she would put up like a blade, every memory of their last interactions speeding through her head without permission and making her want to scream or cry in fear.

But she wasn't going to let herself do that, she had decided that moments after Hotch and Morgan left her apartment.

She decided that she was done trying to prove herself when it was pointless, even after single handily solving a case from inside a prison people clearly thought less of her.

So she decided to give into that, to find power in it, to mock them with it instead.

She went to the salon, got them to fix up her hair and then took herself to empty out her account at the mall.

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