The abyss

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//Darling's outfit for this chapter :))//

"Addison Mary-Anne Dawson if you don't get your butt out that door in the next 5 seconds I'll take the day off and embarrass you all day at school-" Reid and Morgan heard Darling calling out in her apartment before she opened the door to them with a warm smile.

"Hey sugars, gimme a second-"

"Hey yourself-" Morgan tried to greet but she turned and yelled back into the apartment.


"I'm coming! It's not my fault your shower takes forever to warm up-" Addie called back as she came out of the bathroom, fully dressed but hair still soaking wet- pausing when she saw Reid, screaming and running back into the bathroom.

"Oh my god you didn't tell me someone was here!"

"It's just Derek and Spencer" Darling laughed, "since when did you care about people seeing you  in the mornings?"

"Just get them to leave so I can go to school!" She called out with embarrassment.

"Charming" Morgan chuckled, automatically making himself at home on Darling's sofa whilst Reid waited patiently as he read two books at once by the door.

"They can't leave, Derek is taking Reid and me to work after we all drop you off at school" Darling reminded her, "now hurry up."

"You can't be serious?!" Addie groaned.

"It's okay Ads, my hair's a mess too" Morgan joked.

"You're bald! You have an excuse! Don't let Spencer see me!"

"Jeeze what's with you this morning miss stroppy pants?" Darling shook her head, walking over to the bathroom and opening the door- pausing when she saw her niece trying to put on makeup frantically.

"What are you-" she paused with a quick realisation, a huge amused smile coming to her face, "oh my god!"

"Darling! You can't just storm into the bathroom when I'm in here- I could have been peeing!" Addie exclaimed, pausing at Darling's smug smile, "what?"

"Have you got yourself a little crush on Spencer Ads?" 

"What?! Ew! No! Not me! I bet you do! Shut up!" Addie deflected.

"That's so adorable!" Darling laughed.

"No it's not! And I don't! Shut up loser-" Addie pushed her aunt's arm- always feeling more like a sisterly dynamic between them.

"Aw- Spence, you'll never guess who- ow!" Darling went to call out to Reid, Addie hitting her arm and slamming shut the bathroom door before she could.

"Shhh! You'll embarrass me in front of him!"

Darling choked on a laugh before seeing Addie's face and chuckling with a nod, wanting to remind her that she was 13 but also knowing that she should be allowed to have silly little crushes like Darling was never allowed to have without her father telling her she was going to hell.

"Settle down scrappy pants, let me at least fix your poor attempt at eyeliner and sort out your hair before you leave" Darling sat Addie down on the vanity stool in her bathroom, cleaning up- and taking off most of- the makeup and re-applying a thin layer of moisturiser since Darling's foundation was paler than Addie's dark skin, adding just a touch of blush and mascara instead of the goop she had attempted to put on before.

"You know, Spencer is really sweet- I can see why you'd like him after meeting him the other week" Darling chuckled as she put coconut oil in Addie's curls, smiling at the natural awkwardness taking over her face.

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