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//TW mentions and implications of sexual assault//

Darling had never known air to be so painful.

But as Jefferey breathed life back into her, as he resuscitated her after shooting the love of his life in the leg, she found out how painful air could be.

The sirens were what she thought she heard first and the relief rang through her but that was replaced by the fear of the realisation of what the 'sirens' really were; wailing.

Clause was screaming as Jefferey resuscitated Darling, bandaging up her leg once her breath was there and ignoring Clause's screams and slurs at him- although the tears streaming down his face told Darling that it was getting to him.

She used her little energy to take Jefferey's hand in hers, weakly holding it for any kind of support to show him he wasn't alone, that he could do this, that he didn't have to fight on his own.

He looked at her as he finished bandaging her leg, a moment of understanding from two survivors with hope in their grasps, a moment of thanks for her, a moment of mourning for his life, a moment of realisation that it could all change- knowing that even though he would go to prison for being an accomplice, but knowing more that it would be better than the prison Clause was putting him through.

Darling gave a small smile at him that he went to return- until the moment was cut short by the gun going off once again.

"No!" Darling heard her own scream as the bullet shot through Jefferey's head from Clause who had pushed himself to his feet and spoke breathlessly into his tape recorder;

"Experiment 200 has failed miserably, he turned on his master- he has been punished accordingly" he spoke in such a cold tone about a man who would have given his life for him as he bled out on the floor in front of Darling.

Her eyes filled with tears but she couldn't focus on that over the opportunity in Jefferey's hand.

A knife, his prized knife.

Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, a voice begged her in her head, a voice she often had to fight in her old job, a voice she would have to fight again now as she used all her energy to grab it and threw herself at the man wearing a devilish smile who in that moment didn't just look like Clause; he looked like Jacob, her father, and every man who had ever treated someone the way her and Jefferey had been treated.

Don't do it, please, please don't do it-

"Someone has to" she whispered the words that she had often had to tell herself to get her to go through with missions before, but now she couldn't hold back the tears like she could then, she couldn't justify it anymore, she couldn't live with it.

Someone has to.

And someone would, as she rose to her feet and stood opposite Clause she knew that she was that someone.

For too long she had ignored abusers actions, brushing it off by saying you couldn't fight violence with violence.

Someone has to.

Her own words came back into her head, the words she begged Jefferey with, the words Morgan had begged her with before he left for college, the words she was going to use now to survive;

Fight back.

The SUV with Morgan in was less than 10 minutes away from the house in a suburban neighbourhood in the thick of night when the headlights shon on a familiar figure stood in front of a garden hose washing her hands.

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