Truth and trust (2)

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Darling and Morgan looked at each other with pure panic in the bathroom, Darling unable to hear the footsteps from the literal pool of blood clogging her ears but sensing something was wrong by how tense Morgan got- unware of when her bloodied hands hand automatically found their way onto his arm for safety but quickly pulling them away as she pulled the window shut after yelling at Luke.

"Go get Hotch- quick!"

"What?! What about-"

"Just go!" She yelled, already running back into the bedroom and trying to drag the dresser in front of the it but giving up quickly and grabbing one of the knives, jamming it into the key lock to keep the door locked shut.

"What are you doing?" Morgan ran in after her from the bathroom.

"They're trying to come back in!"

"Let them! We have knives now! Don't just trap us in here!"

"We're not killing anyone Derek! We'll just climb out the bathroom window and wait for Hotch now that we have more time before they get into the room- shoot!" Darling yelled as she walked back into the bathroom and tried to open the window, but it was locked again, and this time it was jammed too.

"Great" Morgan sighed before mumbling, "that's just... great plan."

"What was that?"

"Nothing" he ran his hand across his face.

"No, what did you say? You know I can't hear good' right now on account of the brain fry I just sat through- why are you muttering under your breath?"

"We don't have time for this, we need a plan" he shook his head, "I need to get you out of here."

"We need to get out of here" she corrected.

"I'm not the one bleeding out of my ears Darling, you need medical attention-"

"Oh and you'll just what? Wait here with the therapist twins? Maybe book another session in with them?" She mocked before not being able to keep it in anymore and blurting out her anger that had been building all night, "god Derek why don't you trust me anymore?!"

"Now isn't the time for this conversation Darling- and I've never said I didn't trust you."

"I think it is bloody well the time- you didn't trust me in there when I was trying to think of plans for us to get out of her little quizzes" she shook her head before looking up at him, "fine, if you really say you trust me then I believe you- but why are you acting like you don't trust me? Not just with whatever this is- but with everything?"

"With everything?" He quizzed.

"Yes with everything" Darling's voice started to raise the more fed up she got, "stop making me repeat myself- it's hard to tell what volume I'm speaking at right now!"

"I just don't understand what you mean, I never act like I don't trust you-"

"Derek you do it all the time! You might not mean it, you might mean well or be trying to 'protect me' but you really do nothing but doubt me when you act like that."

"I don't doubt you, I respect and believe in you massively, I just think sometimes it's hard to trust or understand what you're trying to do when you haven't shown what it is-" He poorly tried to explain.

"Why does my trust have to proven when yours is automatically given?!" She suddenly snapped, "Why do I have to explain my theories in cases to you? Why do I have to ask permission to put forward a plan and watch you look at Hotch to see if it's good enough first? Why do I have to justify working how I do to you for you to trust me enough for me to follow through with it?" 

Darling deception- a criminal minds fanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat