A different kind of anger

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//Darling's outfit Inspo in this chapter//

"What the higgildy hell are you doing in my bed?!"

The southern yelling could be heard from across the lodge, Morgan jumping out of bed and running across the building as soon as he heard Darling's voice.

"What's going on?!" He bashed open the door without a second thought, spotting Darling yelling at a half asleep Luke who seemed unbothered by her as he sprawled out in the bed.

"You're louder than I thought you'd be at night" Luke teased with a yawn.

"I'm serious, what are you doing in my god damn bed?!" She seemed more than shaken up from waking up next to someone she didn't fall asleep next to and choosing her anger to let it out.

"Dawson?! Is everything okay?" Hotch ran into the room after Morgan.

She did a dramatic gesture at Luke in her bed, "does this look okay?!"

"Agent Alvez, what are you doing in Dawson's bed?" Hotch asked, still puzzled over what was happening and half asleep.

"Our room was doubled up, we have the same key and she was already asleep when I came in so I couldn't ask for the blanket or pillow for the floor" Luke explained, sitting up and only just now seeing how panicked Darling seemed despite her trying to hide it.

"Derek said you would be okay with it" Luke shrugged in defence.

"Why would you say that?" Darling snapped her head to Morgan before shaking her head and turning back to Luke when she couldn't take seeing Morgan's perfectly chiselled and toned exposed upper half without blushing at the fact he just in his pyjama bottoms.

"And why would you take his word without checking with me if I was okay with it?"

"I didn't think it was a big deal-" Luke shrugged.

"So you just thought what? That a woman waking up with a strange man next to her in the room she went to bed alone in wouldn't scare the living day lights out of her? God I hate men" she shook her head and stormed out of the room in her pyjamas to the front door where she grabbed her coat.

"Where are you going Dawson?" Hotch asked, knowing now how irrationally Darling acted when she was upset despite her generally calm and 'chilled' demeanour, knowing that a few anger issues underlined her personality.

"I'm going to sleep outside" she said with certainty like it was a normal thing to do, walking out into the harsh, cold, windy night.

"You're what?" Luke laughed behind Hotch and Morgan who followed her out, watching her place her coat on the floor when they got outside onto the damp grass.

"Yep, it'll be just like camping" she said with determination.

"You hate camping Darl" Morgan pointed out.

"Well I hate waking up with random men in my bed more" she replied with a sarcastic smile at him, plopping herself down onto the coat, "night all."

"Works for me" Luke shrugged, walking back inside and hoping it would make Darling react and follow him in to argue- but she didn't.

She just turned onto her side and pretended to sleep- not really thinking through her plan.

Morgan was right, she did hate camping.

She hated the bugs, the cold and then heat in the morning, the feeling of the earth beneath her- it made her feel like she was being buried alive, like a corpse waiting for the worms to eat her body, waiting to decompose.

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