Day one

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To say that Darling was not having a good week would be the understatement of the century.

As she hobbled around the prison walls covered in blood with the sirens blaring in the background like they had been since someone smashed a guards head into them, she found a 'quiet moment', and by that she meant a moment that someone wasn't trying to kill her, to reflect on the past week that had become a worm hole of confusing revelations and bizarre experiences she was too baffled by to realise how terrifying they were.

The first of which started 3 days prior.

Darling's head throbbed as she led on the bed of her silent solitary cell that was somehow less comfortable than the other prison bed which she didn't know was possible to miss, but the metal frame with an inch thick 'mattress' and no duvet or pillow made her crave the 3 inches of foam and thin blanket in that now empty cell on the other side of the prison.

"Just a few more weeks" she whispered a reminder to herself, Morgan's conversation from the days before reminding her to keep holding on and keep out of trouble- of which she seemed to be having a little trouble doing.

Just two days before, she had gotten caught by the guards trying to talk to Natalia though the fence during her hour yard time, confused to see Natalia seemed to be more than friendly with them and got them to let go of Darling.

The day after that, Darling had managed to get into the lunch room on good behaviour and tried to subtly follow Candy, who of which looked like she was doing far worse in prison than someone who Darling was sure had killed multiple women and was a part of a murder scheme would do.

That attempt to talk to Candy was why Darling was back in solitary for lunch and dinners now, and why she had bandaged hands that she 'forgot' to tell Morgan about until he demanded she tell him down the phone that next day after Reid, who was still working the infirmary every other day, bandaged up her hand and told Morgan about it.

"You got into a fight?!" Darling reflected on the conversation she had with Morgan hours ago as she tried to drift of to sleep to no avail.

"You promise me Darling! You promised me that you wouldn't do anything stupid like that-"

"It wasn't a fight" Darling rolled her eyes in the yard as she spoke to Morgan on the phone, "I was just sticking up for Candy-"

"The woman who killed 6 women and god knows how many more?!"

"We don't know that for sure" Darling corrected.

"It was your theory that she did kill them for god sakes Darling!"

"Stop raising your voice at me mister angry pants, theories can be wrong, even mine, I'm not a profiler- but I'm starting to think she isn't a part of it, that she's just a bitch- a dog with more of a bark than her bite, ya know?"

"And you found this out how?" Morgan rubbed his temple with a migraine coming on which seemed to be common the last few weeks from being so stressed.

"Well when I found her in the cafeteria..."

Darling explained the events that followed as she walked over to Candy, food tray in hands and pleasant smile on her face.

"Hey Candy- fancy seeing you here" Darling greeted, Candy looking over her shoulder at her with confused eyes.

"Uh, it's me- Darling, from the-"

"Shh, I know who you are-" Candy hushed her, "don't use our stage names in here you idiot, you think names like 'Candy' and 'Darling' are going to do us any favours from the groups that like to scoop up girls in the shower?"

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