Dolly fixes all (1)

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Darling woke up to a sound she didn't think she'd ever hear again.

"Addie?" She sat up in Morgan's bed with confusion, both of the sound of her niece's laughter and the fact she was in Morgan's bed once again.

It had been over a week since the team found her and, despite what she had been telling them, her body was finding it a lot harder to adjust to life without being drugged every day than she expected.

The blackouts were intense, losing almost full days sometimes where she'd remember going to sleep in her bed and then suddenly being awake sat on Garcia's sofa talking to her as if her body went into autopilot without her being conscious, surviving once again instead of living.

Darling had gotten good at hiding it but Morgan picked up on her conscious black outs almost immediately and insisted she stay at his or he stay at hers so she wasn't alone.

She had tried to promise him that she was okay, that she just needed to be alone to get it all out of her system- but then he found her outside of her apartment asleep on his steps the night before and knew that she was far from okay.

Darling wiggled herself out of the bed and walked over to the door to followthe sound of her niece's laughter, but the door opened first to reveal Morgan who smiled with surprise at her.

"Hey, you're awake."

"It would seem so, not that I'm ever sure if I am or not much anymore" she chuckled through a yawn, "what am I doing here?"

"I'm not sure, I found you outside my apartment last night when I got back from work- thought it best I not leave you out there."

"Oh..." she nodded with a shame of not knowing how she got here before smiling at him, "well, thanks for not letting me catch a cold- wait, how'd you even get me up here?"

"I carried you, dumbass" he chuckled before tilting his head at her, "you look very sweaty, are you feeling okay?"

"Huh?" She turned to his door mirror and saw the heat on her forehead, her clothes drenched in sweat against her body, "Jesus, I guess this whole 'detoxing from a myriad of drugs' thing is more intense than I thought."

"How are you feeling now?" Morgan asked with obvious concern he surprisingly didn't try to hide, placing his hand on her forehead to check for a fever, Darling having to force herself to not lean into his hand, to not close her eyes and savour his touch like she embarrassingly wanted to, instead stepping back and shrugging.

"I'm fine, just a little groggy-" her lie was interrupted by Addie's call for Morgan from the other room.

"The cookies are burning!"

"Is Addie here?" She asked, walking out of the bedroom before he could stop her or warn her who else was there.

"Darling!" Addie turned from the smoking oven and ran over to her, launching herself into an urgent hug.

"Hey Ads- woah!" Darling laughed and almost tumbled over before wrapping her arms securely around her niece.

"You're all sweaty" Addie chuckled with grossed out confusion, "why were you in Derek's room all sweaty?"

A huge laugh came from the other side of the room where Darling didn't see Tobias sat until now.

"Yeah Velma, why were you getting all sweaty in Derek's room, aye?" He teased, making her roll her eyes as she walked over and hugged him, confused when he hugged her back given the fact he would normally make fun of her for her urge to hug people all of the time- the southern men from where she was from weren't typically 'feel your emotions' type of people, a pat on the back with a beer was the most affection her brother would normally give her.

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