Simple birthdays

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"Where are you going?" Morgan mouthed to Darling and fanned himself as they sat in the crowded overheated old train cart a few rows away from each other, spending the first 40 minutes of their journey failing to find a seat together.

"Sorry, sorry- excuse me" Darling squeezed through the rows past the old man she had sat next to with terrible breath who would not stop trying to talk to her and the two teenage boy who was sat opposite gawking at her.

"Darl, where are you off to?" Morgan tried to ask her again but had the old woman next to him trying to chat him up and three people around his seat snoring so Darling couldn't hear him over the loud, bumpy carriage and attempted to walk down the middle aisle towards the door with a warm frustration on her face that they both had since getting on the non-air-conditioned train heading in the wrong direction.

"Can I just step past you for a minute?" Morgan got up to follow her, talking to the woman opposite him whose bag was blocking him.

She looked up from her newspaper, eyed him up and down and smiled.

"You sure you want to go? We could always talk?" She 'accidentally' touched his leg with her foot, having taken off her shoes despite being on a stuffy train.

Morgan didn't give her attempt at subtle flirting any attention and stepped over her bag to look for Darling who he assumed had gone to the bar section at the other end of the train, or headed down to find another free seat away from the possible world's worst train cart they could have picked.

But he ran into her sooner than he thought he would in the mid-section of the two carts of the old train, the cross section being outside with a small platform connecting the two doors with a flimsy barrier around it.

"I don't think we're allowed to be out here" he chuckled as he shut the door behind him, pausing when he saw the tears in her eyes whilst she leaned on the railing before spotting him come out of the door into the small platform and quickly standing up, wiping her tears and giving a smile.

"Hey you- uh, yeah, I don't think a train that looks like it was from before the stone age is too hot on rules and regulations" Darling forced a chuckle.

"Are you okay?" Morgan asked with concern, although very aware of the only small space between them.

"Me? Oh yeah, never better" she lied with a smile, going to walk past him into the cart again but he caught her elbow and turned her back to him.

"Darling, what's up?"

"What do you mean? I said I was fine" she shrugged off a lie, a hint of irritation in her voice that Morgan tilted his head at.

"Did I do something to upset you or something?"

"What? Of course not" she spoke genuinely before sighing, "I've just got a lot on my mind at the minute and this stupid slowest train ride in the world and ridiculous heat wave are not helping."

"You have always liked the cold more" Morgan chuckled, leaning his elbow on the railing, "did you want to talk about what's on your mind?"

He watched her scan his face for a moment before shaking her head and smiling, "I'm good, thanks though- but look!" She pulled out a bottle of wine from behind her back that she had stolen from the drinks cart that went past them before and wiggled it at him with a cheeky smile that he laughed at.

"You can't steal wine bottles from trains."

"I can and I did" she laughed, "and you're one to talk about stealing wine- or do you not recall a certain someone's 21st birthday?"

Darling deception- a criminal minds fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon