Fightless thirst

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The room Darling woke up in was nothing like she expected of a hospital room or back of an ambulance she assumed she would be in after feeling the jolts of electricity through her.

The red oak wooden cabin like walls framing the cosy bedroom were a welcome break to the beige paint and white suburban mom décor she had come to see every morning the last 4 months.

The warm tartan knitted duvet was like something out of an eclectic grandmother's house, the small rose lamp next to her was nothing compared to the blazing morning sun scorching though the window.

That sun wasn't the only thing making it unbearably hot for her as Darling opened her eyes properly; there was at least three layers of jumpers thrown over a pair of thick cotton coveralls, her head covered by two woolly hats and a minimum of 4 pairs of fluffy socks on her feet despite the heatwave taking over the country.

She felt as if she was on fire that was being fanned more by the fabric suffocating her.

Her skin crawled with heat, her hair stuck to the sweat on her neck like wallpaper paste, her body almost convulsing to get away from the warmth of her own blood.

She tried to rip off any of the layers, she tried to move at all to escape the large glass window the bed was placed directly in front of- but the handcuffs tying her to the metal bed-frame made that rather difficult if not impossible.

"W-what the heck?" Darling tried to speak but her throat was too dry.

Thirsty, so thirsty.

She was almost too thirsty to remember what happened before she passed out, all she could think of was the heat; how dehydrated she was, how she needed to get water of any kind.

"H-help! Help me!" She tried to cry out, even her tears were too dried up to leave her eyes, "p-please!"

Her attempted yelling of confused thirst was cut off by the door squeaking open and heavy boots walking in followed by a lighter pair of sensible shoes.

"Can't we please just let her out now?"

"Not yet sweat pea."

"But pa-"

"We have to be sure."

"But she's so pale, she needs nutrients, or at least she needs to be put out of her misery, medically she is too far gone-"

"What she needs is another day in front of that window."

"E-excuse me-" Darling's voice managed to come out of her mouth, "excuse me- is someone there?"

"She's awake, that's more than before but-"

"That's more dangerous than before" the male voice corrected, walking over and leaning over Darling.

His older face was blurry, somehow all of him looking sunburnt like a red hue had been placed over him.

He had brown salt and pepper hair with a full, overgrown beard that was greyer than anything else.

The corner of his eyes were crinkled under a full bush of eyebrows, his scowl permanent on his brow and studying on his face as he looked at her.

"She needs medical attention" the stern but sweet female voice walked closer to Darling, leaning over the other side of her.

Oddly enough, she had a red hue to her too- which was when Darling noticed that almost everything did in the background of her vision.

The walls, the bedding, the sunset, the black haired woman at least half a decade older than Darling tilting her head at her; all of it was red, and all of it looked as if it could bring her water if she broke it open like a coconut.

Darling deception- a criminal minds fanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon