Surreal (2)

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Darling felt the large warm hand on her back move slightly as she recalled the night before, Morgan starting to stir to wake next to her whilst she smiled at the small features she got to appreciate now; the tired scrunch of his nose, the yawn that parted his mouth, the feeling of his body going to move away from her to turn around before he realised she was next to him and turned fully to her as his eyes flickered open with the same look of sleepy surprise that she had, the look of a pleasant realisation of what had happened.

"Hey you" Morgan smiled at her with a deep warmth to his voice that made Darling want to close her eyes just to savour it.

"Morning" she smiled back at him, unsure really what to say, unsure of the butterflies in her stomach that hadn't settled since they fell asleep next to each other the night before.

They had never ended up finding or using those condoms, planning on exploring those other ways around it but instead finding themselves engulfed in their usual conversations full of laugher as they lay on the bed into the early hours of the morning before Darling fell asleep on his shoulder with Morgan following suit shortly after watching her sleep for a while, still surprised to find himself waking up next to her as if it might all have been a dream.

"How are you this morning?" Morgan stretched slightly and Darling had to force her eyes away from the muscles in his arms to turn off her alarm, not noticing Morgan watching her as her hair fell out of the claw clip she had put it in the night before whilst they laughed together, wanting desperately to run his fingers through it and hear that noise he adored so much from her once again.

"I'm good, a little tired and feel like I stood in the pouring rain for a while but-" Darling replied, holding back her smile before she couldn't take it anymore and looked over her shoulder at him, spotting a similar smile on his face.


"It's just a little surreal, isn't it?" She chuckled.

"What is?" He asked, but already knew the answer as she tilted her head at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean it's not exactly usual behaviour for us to spend the majority of the night heavily making out and falling asleep half naked next to each other only because we couldn't find condoms" she pointed out with a chuckle, enjoying the roar of sleepy laughter that came from him.

"Technically I'm the only one who's half naked" Morgan pointed out with amusement.

"Oh should I just strip now then to make it even?" Darling joked.

"I mean I wouldn't be opposed to that..." He teased, making her roll her eyes as she laughed and nudged his arm.

"Seriously thought, you don't find this weird at all?" She asked, he tilted his head in response.

"That sounded bad, I don't mean like weird like a bad weird or anything, I'm more than enjoying all of this I just mean-" Darling tried to explain, worried it would sound like she didn't like what happened or what was going to happen, which was the farthest from the truth, causing her to ramble with panic she had said the wrong thing until Morgan just placed a knowing gentle hand on her shoulder.

"It is weird" he nodded with assurance, still unable to hide his smile, "but I think it's a good weird- like excitement or nerves, it's just natural for it to be a little 'weird.' It's been 18 years of platonic nothing, or pretending it was nothing, and now we've passed this line that I for one never thought you would want to pass as much as I did, and it's unknown territory for us to not hide feeling like this- ya know?"

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