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"He's cute, go for him" Morgan nudged Darling's arm at the New Years eve party they just about made it on time to eventually, earning a hefty eye roll from her in response.

"He's like 50."

"Just your type then" he teased before pointing to another man across the event, "what about him?"

"Stop trying to get me to kiss every man here" Darling laughed as she sipped his drink that she had stolen at the alcohol table.

"I told you; it's my last best friend mission in Chicago to get you your New Years kiss when it hits midnight-"

"That's such a dumb tradition anyway" Darling rolled her eyes, seeming far less into this New Years eve party now than before they left, thrown off by what her father had said to her before they left.

"It's romantic you cynic" Morgan defended.

"What part of drunken strangers slobbering on each other's faces just because it's a new year is romantic?" She raised an eyebrow at her as he shook his head with a chuckle.

"It's like the movies, you love rom-coms" he joked, knowing full well Darling despised most romantic movies.

"Oh because everything that happens in the movies is sooo romantic" she rolled her eyes, "it's not like I hate them, they're entertaining but they're all just so icky- try to name one romantic movie that wouldn't be insanely creepy if it happened in real life."

"How about that one we watched that you couldn't stop talking over? What was it? When Harry met Sally?"

"Harry just mansplains for that whole film- his whole thing is about men and women not being able to just be friends and belittles her every chance he gets. It's meant to be 'opposits' attract but he's just a dick who literally says that men just want women as 'lovers, wives and mothers' like a weirdo he is" Darling pointed out, taking another sip of Morgan's drink, "next one."

Morgan shook his head with amusement before spending the next hour listing of various rom coms with Darling explaining their fundamental flaws, enjoying hearing her pointing out the intelligent plot point failures and getting lost in how she expressed herself.

"-oh and don't even get me started on Clueless, everyone would have been in uproar over that semi-incest-esc ending if Paul Rudd wasn't so hot" she added, waving around the empty glass as she used her arms to finish her points- pausing when she saw Morgan's amusement clear across his face.

"What are you smiling at?" 

"I'm going to miss you and your little rants" he chuckled noticing her pause for a moment with a glisten of almost pain to her eyes at the thought of him being gone before she smiled brightly again and nudged his arm with a chuckle.

"I think you're just going to miss my drinks."

"Oh of course- but I won't miss you sneaking them from me whilst you're underage" he teased, taking his empty cup from her.

"Oh come on, I'm only a few years off" she rolled her eyes with a laugh, "plus I have a high tolerance."

"You wouldn't know that, you haven't drank other than a few sips of mine at parties" he pointed out.

"Okay true, but I've handled those few sips very well" she said smugly as he laughed with amusement at her before a voice across the lower floor of the party caught his attention.

"Derek Morgan? Don't tell me that's you?" A leggy brunette with beautifully tanned skin in a tight golden cocktail dress waltzed over with a drink in her hand, immediately hugging Morgan as he turned to her.

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