Anticipated scales

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"I thought you didn't like wine?" Morgan spoke as Darling took another swig of the bottle on the small outdoor platform of the train.

"I like it more than I like this god damn train" she chuckled but there was a slight hint of something else to her voice, irritation- almost fear induced.

"Are you afraid of trains or something?" Morgan tilted his head with confusion at her, just as she was about to answer the train came to a sudden stop.

"Jesus-" Darling stumbled forward into the railing and thus into Morgan given the small space.

"You okay?" He quickly caught her, swallowing his blush from her being up against her chest and his hands around her waist holding her close.

"Good catch" she chuckled, standing back up just as Morgan got knocked forward into her when the door opened behind them.

"Uh, sorry folks- I've got to get through, I'm on a tight schedule to get through before the train starts up again" the train warden nodded, pulling a drinks cart behind him.

"Oh okay, we'll just step into the other carriage-" Morgan tried to say but the guy continued through, pushing him forward up against Darling; his hands either side of her hips steadying himself on the railing, his body pressed right up against hers as the train steward pushed past the narrow space behind them.

"Come on man" Morgan looked over his shoulder with a glare.

"Sorry bud, like I said- I've got a schedule to keep to"he shrugged , accidentally knocking Morgan with the edge of the trolley and pushing his crotch further against Darling who was pushed right up against the railing staring up at a very flustered Morgan.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry about this-" Morgan apologised down awkwardly at Darling whose expression he had to do a double take at.

It wasn't discomfort like he expected, or even her laughter that was usual for her in awkward situations- it was instead a similar expression she bore when he had to pin her against the wall in the prison to hide from the inmates;

A look of anticipation almost that was hidden quickly when Morgan looked back down at her.

"N-no worries" she chuckled, trying to lean back to create as much space as possible between them which was still none.

"Sorry again folks" the man called out from the door that closed behind him just as the train started up again, pushing Darling forward into Morgan as he stepped back and they both tumbled with their footings catching from the sudden movement, Morgan catching her with his hands landing much lower down past her waist than he intended.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry" Morgan apologised profusely as he quickly held up his hands but she just laughed.

"Wow, you really are an ass man" she joked, pausing when she saw his flustered, awkward expression as he stepped back as far as possible to the other railing.

"I'm really sorry."

"Hey, it's fine- who hasn't accidentally groped their friend before?" Darling attempted to joke to make him feel better, he just gave an awkward smile and cleared his throat.

"I'm going to, uh, go back to my seat" he said at the same time as Darling said a similar thing.

"Oh- you first" Morgan went to open the door for her but her hand landed on the handle first, his hand landing on top of hers before he quickly pulled it back.

"Are you okay?" 

"What? Yeah, of course" he stammered.

"You're being weird" she chuckled and stepped closer to him with concern, "and you look really flustered which is weird for you- are you sick?"

Darling deception- a criminal minds fanficWhere stories live. Discover now