Surreal (1)

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Darling woke up just like she did any other hideously early Monday morning; 

alarm clock blaring angrily, sun blinding her through her curtains, neighbours yelling at each other through the walls.

But, unlike any other Monday, she didn't care about the usual shitty morning wake up call.

All she cared about was the arm wrapped over her, the heat of the body she was cuddled up next to, the strangely calming feeling of it being Morgan's body so close to hers.

Darling almost burst into a giddy laughter as her eyes flickered open and she saw Morgan fast asleep next to her, overwhelmed by the strange reality she was in now and what had happened the night before.

Her eyes widened with the realisation, of which she of course already knew but the adrenaline rush of the night prior had worn off and reality hit her when she saw her best friend of 18 years asleep, almost fully naked, in the bed with her.

Derek Morgan had kissed her; the Derek Morgan she made fun of countless of times and teased throughout their friendship for being too soft and gentlemanly had shown another side of him she didn't think she'd ever see when she gave him permission to.

She thought back to that moment out in the rain with him; his eyes falling to her mouth before his lips did in a sudden burst of passion, his hands gingerly wrapping around the backs of her thighs and lifting her to wrap around his hips.

A bold move of control that she never expected of him, although couldn't help thoroughly enjoying as she laughed with surprise in the kiss whilst Morgan walked them both out of the rain into the apartment, still in the kiss that carried through into far more the rest of the night.

A night that was nothing like she expected, more than she could have ever dreamt of; it wasn't awkward, it wasn't overly sexualised or aggressive- it was just them.

Darling smiled as she watched him sleep, twisting slightly to study his face, recalling the almost comedic events of the night before that felt very 'them...'

"Jesus Christ-" Darling gasped in her laughter as Morgan tripped on his shirt that she had somehow already taken off him and thrown whilst being carried towards the bedroom, Morgan slipping on it, being too distracted by Darling's lips and almost crushing her as he fell on the bed.

"Are you okay?" He asked between laughter that he tried to hide, focusing on making sure she was okay, but she just pulled him back down onto her, bringing his lips to hers through her own laughter.

Her hands brushed against his chiselled chest down towards his belt, taking her time to feel every part of his toned stomach that she still felt overwhelmed that she was able to touch.

"When did you get so ungodly amount of buff? I mean you've always been ridiculously buff but Jesus you're built like freaking Zeus-" She teased breathlessly as he kissed the softest part of her neck, flicking the cardigan off her shoulders and kissing down her collarbones with a mumbled deep chuckle of amusement he could never seem to lose when he was around her.

"Careful with those free compliments, you're feeding my ego missy" he joked with a husky tone that sent butterflies up and down her body.

"Oh they're not compliments; just an objective observation, you know that I would never compliment you or your giant ego" Darling teased, letting her hands lower to his belt fully this time and starting to unbuckle it as best she could from the awkward angle.

"Need some help there?" Morgan raised a teasing eyebrow at her as she muttered swear words under her breath at his belt, rolling her eyes at him with a chuckle up at him.

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