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None of the deities are looking all that pleased to see the Sun elf god there. Those that aren't deities are beyond a little confused at the person that just popped up.

"Kaiston, are you trying to get yourself killed? We just had a surprise attack by dragonkin."

"I don't see many elven dead here." Kaiston says thoughtfully taking in the scene before him. He looks over and his trained eye sees the fight.

"This looks frightfully familiar," Kaiston says absently as we looks over the the dead. He looks at some of them closer than others.

"That's because Jessa did this, not alone, but she had a large part of training those that did fight. That's why there aren't many elven dead. Those that were fighting were here to fight for a spot for her guard and to take the places on Dhiren's guard that needed to be filled in. Jessa doesn't think much of most of the elves and their fighting abilities and has been working with the guards to improve them up to her standard.

"One of the humans even made it to her guard." Zira was more than a little pleased to let this ass know that one of the lowly humans made it onto an elite guard.

"A human? I seriously doubt that, if Jessa disparages those taught by general Brightblade."

"The human that made it was my champion, then she saved his life after he got dragon blood in him during the fight." Fate tells him smugly.

"My daughter was given the same teachings as the others. She just used them more completely than the elves. If they had been as diligent then she wouldn't sneer at them as much. Most of those kills are the guards for Prince Dhiren. She's been working with them for years and is finally happy with two of them. One of them was moved to Jessa's guard the other will be staying with Dhiren."

"These three, they were full dragons, who killed them?" The god demands, he thinks he knows the answer but doesn't want it to be true.

"Jessa. She was the one that warned everyone to up arms, even though we could see no enemy. She was the one that asked us to help her remove the spell that was hiding the enemy. She was the one that got off the most arrows," Zira says then frowns. "Actually, now that I think about it, I think she was the only one to get off arrows. All the others used either staff or sword to face the enemy."

"Jessa took down the blue dragon with the arrow. Then she fought her way to the black and red dragons. She played them off against each other. They didn't seem to take her seriously until she managed to take down the black dragon. By then it was too late for the red dragon. She finished it off fairly quickly after that. Then she discovered the traitor that led them through Silva. Then since dragon blood got in her wound she went through the transformation and survived that.

"She managed to save Lady Fay's child and helped Prince Dhiren survive his transformation as well. They are currently out cleaning up and hunting. Changing back to their birth forms was rather draining on them."

Kaiston is staring at Jethro, "You have got to be fucking with me, right? The spell for transforming from dragon to elf or human is a high level spell. There is no way that either of them would be able to do that spell yet. They are far too young to be able to be doing that level of spell casting."

"It's a good thing that Jessa is an adept of unusual abilities when it comes to dragon magic then, isn't it? Otherwise this world would be fucked, Kaiston." The Ancient One says. He's never really got on well with the arrogant sun elf god. At least Lady Zira gives him some respect.

"What about Prince Dhiren? He was just turned to gold, he wouldn't have had any practice with dragon magic, let alone a spell of such difficulty."

"He is an adept of elven magic. That ability transferred over to the dragon magic. They don't have time to not be able to protect themselves the best of their abilities." Zira then turns to Jethro, "Speaking of which, Jessa needs to know how to use the magic from you that will no longer be locked up in her. You shouldn't have waited so long to teach her."

"She was under your protection for most of her life. Then she was learning the dragon magic. I thought it best to not add to the weight of her learning at that time." Jethro says shrugging, "It should come naturally to her."

Zira snorts, "Yes, if you explain to her how to use it. She'll need to call upon you, to do so. She wouldn't think of doing that since she was never under your care. She might call on me, since she was raised as one of mine. She might call on the ancient one, since she is most definitely one of his, but she wouldn't think of calling on you. You need to let her know."

Jethro nods and heads in the direction that his granddaughter went.

"Is Jessa truly his great grand daughter?" Kaiston says breaking the silence. The other give slight jumps having forgotten that he was there.

"Yes, her mother was his high priestess until she fell in love with Reniel."

"She looks like the spitting image of his late wife." Fay breaks in with her own knowledge.

The other deities look at her in astonishment. "How do you know that, sister?" Kaiston demands what they are all wondering.

"I am the oldest of the gods, there is a reason for me being queen, you know." Fate sniffs at them. "Jethro was my child, my champion as it were before he became a god himself. He was devastated when his wife died and he couldn't save her."

The others look at Fate, "Do you know how to heal that illness?" Alaric is the one to demand this.

"There is only one cure and only one person to use it and survive. Dragon healing is the only way to live through that illness. Jessa is the only one to survive. Now all her children will be proof against it." Fate tells them with a small smile.

"You made sure that Jethro's wife would die from that illness," Kaiston says shocked beyond belief.

"Her time was done. I did my best to make sure that he would be home in time to say goodbye and save his child. I know the pain he went through was great, and I know that he still feels that pain to this day. Her death was written and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I have told Jethro this when I went to him as he lit her pyre on fire." Fate isn't smiling as she remembers the pain she had no choice in giving Jethro.

She's just glad that he was able to be there to save his child.

If he had been delayed just a short time then they would all be lost now.

"He had to be there to save his child or our world would have been lost clear back then." Zira was the first one to realize just how close they all came several times to losing everything.

"Jessa very easily might not have been born if some people didn't fulfill their destiny, their fate. I did what I could to make it happen. I was never happy to watch people lose loved ones that were fated to die just to make it possible, just possible, for Jessa to be born.

"Now, Jessa has the weight of the world on her shoulders. The weight of all her ancestors, both human and dragon that are counting on her to be their champion. That need her to make the choices that no one else can to save this world."

"If my son hadn't fallen in love with Jessa..." Zira trails off looking at her sister in horror.

"Then all my work for over a thousand years would have been for nothing. Fortunately for all Ureuk is far more stubborn than his son while being far more clear headed." 

Fate finishes then turns once more to her little brother, "Just what brings you here, Kaiston?"

"I wanted to talk to Jessa again and try to get her to my people sooner rather than later. Tensions are far worse there than they are here. War is coming and it will be coming sooner than I thought it would and my people still aren't listening to me or the silver dragons."

The Ancient Once sniffs rather loudly, "You allowed your children to go unpunished for too long Kaiston. Jessa will be leaving with in a day or so. She'll be uniting the humans behind her as she makes her way to your stuck up over grown babies."

"You again," Jessa says coming back to the camp and seeing the sun elf deity exclaims, her voice filled with contempt.

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