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Jessa slows as they near Lexin. It won't do to enter the country without permission. Not that she couldn't do it. She has already spotted where the guards are, the ones waiting for the caravan on the track and the ones that are supposedly hidden among the trees. So far she remains very unimpressed with what she is seeing.

After looking over all that she can spot she signals to her people and they make a silent retreat without the sun elves even knowing that they had been spied upon.

They rejoin the caravan. Jessa has them stop and set up a couple of tents for washing. She and Dhiren and all those that will be presented to the elven royalty. It wouldn't do to be presented to those arrogant pricks in their filth.

Jessa smirks as she thinks of the shock the elves will have at her little fun she has planned. She can't wait to meet the two twins that will undoubtedly have issue with her in one way or another. She's just waiting for them to insult her either directly with words or by actions. There's a running bet as to which it will be. Dhiren is almost sure that it will be words at the border.

Jessa has no doubt that there will be issues with the border guards, but she has already dealt with that possibility. She snickers at what she has done. She feels almost giddy now that they are here.

As they are mounting their horses Kaiston once more joins them. "Kaiston." Jessa says more than a little irritatedly.

"Thank you, Jessa. I won't interfere even though you have already sent in people to Lexin. I just want to be here as you deal with them. No matter what it is you have to do. Once you have them dealt with I'll be there to send them to Silva. Zira has already informed the king and queen and quarters are being fixed up for them even as we speak. Time is very short, Jessa. I feel it pressing on my bones even now."

Jessa looks at the pained god and nods thoughtfully. "I know, I feel it as well. The attack will be soon. Hopefully not until we are able to send some of your people to Silva."

Now that she is ready to go she takes one last look at the caravan and is shocked at what she sees. All of the metallic dragon deities, she thinks, there are a couple of strangers there in her caravan and assumes that they are deities since they are speaking with the others. She also notices Zira and Shandira as well as Jethro and Fey.

"Well now. I guess you should go join your brothers and sisters in the caravan Kaiston. It looks like they all want to see me deal with the brats." Without looking at Kaiston again she turns back around and nods to Dhiren and Kallen. They start out. 

They go slow so as to not get covered in dust and so they take nearly an hour to reach the border to cross. As expected the guards do their best to stop them.

Dhiren, acting as he hasn't done since Jessa cut him down to size takes charge. "How dare you deny me entrance! Do you have any idea to whom you are speaking?"

The guards shake their heads, "No, but it doesn't matter. Lexin is closed to all humans and your caravan carries more humans than elves."

The guards pretend to not hear the laughter that comes from the guards surrounding the two elves and human female before them.

"I am Prince Dhiren Silverblade, this is my new wife, Princess Jessa Silverblade, that is General Kallen Brightblade. The rest are our guards and retinue. The humans are the means to make this journey worth my while. The pain of dealing with you stuck up bastards always makes me sick."

The guards became very angry at his words and started to level their weapons at the impossible upstart elf before them. "Lexin is closed to you."

Dhiren smiles nastily, "Then you can explain to my uncle and cousins why you started a war with the moon elves. Especially since you are about to be decimated by a common enemy as we speak. But please, we'll wait right here while you send off a note to your piece of shit princes."

Jessa looks at Dhiren with a great deal of admiration. "I had no idea you had that in you Dhiren. Not against elves at least."

"Oh, I've been taking notes on how you deal with irritating people. It shouldn't take them long to get my annoying cousins here. They no doubt informed them that you are a beautiful human seeming female. That alone should be enough to get them here. It was one of the few things we were able to agree upon when I was last here, our mutual hatred of all things human."

Jessa gives a dark chuckle at his words. Oh yeah, Dhiren hated humans with a passion before he started against her. She still doesn't know how she was able to turn such hatred against humans away from Dhiren, Kallen and the moon elf kingdom. 

She shakes off her thoughts as two new comers stand next to the guards. She can feel the tensions in the whole group go up. There is no doubt as to who the two males are. The overly proud bearing and nearly permanent sneer that they wear as they look over the group before them. They take extra time when they come to Jessa and Sorsha.

Once they are done Jessa and Sorsha have to hide their disgust and keep their faces blank. It was proving near impossible for Jessa to do. Especially since she's sure that one of them is doing his best to undress her with his eyes.

"Cousin, so it is true, you did finally get married. How did your parents or why did your parents force you to marry a human bitch?"

And the gloves were off and Jessa suddenly relaxes. She manages to hide the smile, it's fortunate that the twins had their focus on Jessa and no one else in the party or they would be wondering why there was money being exchanged. They would also be wondering why so many of them have intense gleams of anticipation on their faces. But sadly for them they see none of that and continue to insult Jessa.

"Why, Dhiren you were right." Jessa says talking over the ass holes and ignoring their shocked and outraged expressions completely. 

"Yeah. I knew that they wouldn't be able to resist insulting you like that. They are too stupid to understand that some things aren't what they appear and that they might not be all that they think they are." The twins are a bit confused but think that they are being insulted.

Jessa is now watching them and is more than a little amused. "They seem to be a little slow on the uptake love. They aren't sure if you insulted them or not." Jessa turns to give the two her full attention before she speaks. "Just so you know, he did. Very nicely too, but he still needs to work on his insults. I'll have to work with him on those just like I did with his fighting abilities."

Everyone has been enjoying the verbal sparring Dhiren and Jessa have been doing. They like how it has wound the two elves up even more. They watch with open delight as the twins accept the challenge that Jessa threw them with her words.

"As if a female could ever win against Dhiren." One scoffs and sneers as he looks over Jessa once more.

"A human especially." The second one follows his twin.

As Jessa coos back at them the entire caravan waits with anticipation.

"You want to put your money where your mouth is? I'll take you both on. If I win, you will not speak to another female while we remain here. You will treat them with respect and most of all you will listen when I tell you something. Failure to do so will result in your injury or possible death." Jessa just waits for the twins to decide what they want to do.

"You wouldn't be able to win against one of us, but sure, why not? But if we win, we get to taste just how good you are. Dhiren will be sharing you with us while your remain. Are you sure that you are willing to do that?" Neither of the twins care how Dhiren feels about their caveat. They are so used to getting whatever they want, whoever they want that they never even think about how insulting it is to their cousin.

"Dhiren, are you alright with their terms?" The twins look at Dhiren with her words. They are sure that Dhiren has no real feelings for the human female.

"If I didn't have more than full confidence in your abilities then I would fight them for their insult. For all their insults that they have given since we've arrived. I think that you are the better person to deal with those insults though, so go have some fun."

The rest of the group has a hard time holding back the cheer and laughter as they make sure that the mules are secure as the fight is prepared.

Jessa is playing with them at first as she gets a feel for them. She does spar with multiple partners at times so this isn't new for her, but she has no idea how good they are. She's pretty damn sure that they are holding back right now, but she smiles they won't be for long.

Adventures of Jessa: the Adventures ContinueNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ