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"Jessa, this is my father, Angelo. I told him about you and he wanted to meet you. I hope that's alright." Jacey says a couple of days later. Jacey was more than a little relieved that Jessa and Dhiren were still there and not up to the castle at this time.

Jessa stands up with a genuine smile on her face. "Welcome, Angelo. I am Jessa and this is my husband Dhiren."

"You are too humble, princess. Your name is well known here. The stories the caravan guards tell of you tell of your prowess in fighting. My daughter says that the stories aren't exaggerated in the least. She said that she's never seen any one fight that fast, except you Prince Dhiren."

Dhiren chuckles as the stranger frowns at Jessa's acerbic reply, "Did Jacey not also tell you how I dislike using my title?"

Angelo looks at the female before him. He can't believe the stories he has heard about her. He can't believe that she is a gold dragon let alone their crown princess. He'd met Reniel and she doesn't look anything like him. She doesn't act anything like him either. She is feisty, yes, but not arrogant in the least. 

"Forgive me, Pr-," Angelo stops himself at her warning look, "forgive me, Jessa. I am not used to being with those that have titles and don't wish those they consider lesser than they are to use them."

"Ah, but Angelo, that's what is different. I don't consider you lesser than me. I was raised without  a title and worked as a caravan guard for several years before I became the elven princess."

Angelo laughs at her words. He knows and he suspects that she knows that he knows that she is the crown princess of the golds.

"Not that I don't wish for your company Jacey, but what brings you by this fine day?" The sarcasm is thick right now. The day is rainy with more than a little fog. They are all more than happy that they aren't on the trail this day.

Jacey blushes to have Jessa's attention and that of Dhiren on her.

"I told my father about what happened and he wanted to meet you."

Jessa looks at the man, "Why? There was no true harm done to your daughter, she told me that the few bruises would fade rather quickly. Unless you feel that she deserves more than a meal in recompense?"

Angelo is rather caught off guard by her direct words. It takes him a bit to pull himself back together. "No. You allowed her to watch your sparring practice and that of your guards. She said that it was a real treat. There have been humans that would pay a great deal to see that, so it was more than sufficient for the harm my daughter took."

"Then why?" Jessa asks once more, but this time a little more intensely.

Angelo looks around more than a little unsure, "Is it safe to talk here?"

Jessa smiles at him and it makes him nervous.  He feels the magic that is released and understands that Jessa made it so that no one else will be able to hear them talking.

"It is now." Jessa assures the nervous male before her.

Angelo looks at her and sighs, "You know who I am don't you?"

Jessa just raises her eyebrow and lets him take that as he will.

"I am the king of the copper dragons. My Jacey is telling me that I need to listen to what you have to say. She knows that you have gold guards among your men. She tells me that one of your guards, a human actually saved your life. That you took off after the would be assassin on your own and the others didn't even try to go after you."

Dhiren rolls his eyes as he explains this part to a bewildered Angelo. "They wouldn't have been able to catch up to her. Hell, they wouldn't have been able to find her. Jessa can be hidden in plain sight. If she had wanted to she could have become an assassin and would have been an incredible one. Fortunately she preferred Lady Zira to that of the human assassin god."

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