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Jessa touches Dhiren's arm to get his attention. She motions with her head over to her left. Dhiren's eyes widen, he hasn't seen such a collection gathered together since the battle Jessa nearly died from.

Jasper comes up to her and motions to the ones that are glowing as full dragons. The rest they are assuming are dragon kin. Altogether Jasper holds up ten fingers. Jessa nods.

They return to their caravan. Jessa has them go off the road a ways so they don't block traffic. Then she tells everyone what she saw ahead. "Ten full blooded dragons. I'd estimate between two and three hundred kin. I did see the white king, that one is mine. Also, if Selnick shows up, he's mine. All others are up for grabs." Jessa then outlines how she wants to set things up.

Silently the guards move through the forest. Jessa lets loose her arrow taking out the dragon near the white king. Immediately the air is filled with arrows and her second one finds the white king's shoulder. Her third hits the critical spot so that he can't transform and fly away again.

Nearly half the camp is now down and Jessa switches from her bow over to her sword as she and the rest start battling the remaining dragons and their kin.

She catches a glimpse of someone she's long been wanting to take out, "Selnik." She smiles brilliantly. But he's secondary to her primary goal, the white king. She finally makes her way to his side. "You left too soon the other day, your eminence. We didn't get to finish playing. Now here you are with a whole new party for me and my friends to play with."

"Jessa," the white dragon growls out.

"Oh, you learned my name, how lovely. Still don't know or care what yours is." Jessa says smiling as she plays with the dragon king before her. "But, this party is getting old and I saw an old acquaintance here that I really must say hi to." With that Jessa stops playing around and finally kills the white dragon king.

"How refreshing," Jessa says as she looks around to find her next mark.

She sees Selnik being hemmed in by some of her gold guards, most of the rest of the camp had already been dealt with. The few that haven't don't last long. "Thank you, boys, you can let him go now." Jessa says as she stops in front of Selnik. "If I had known that you hadn't been executed before, I would have dealt with it sooner. Selnik, you are under orders of execution not just from your king that you've betrayed, but by your god. Any last words?"

Selnik stands proud before her and sneers. "Just who the hell do you think you are? You are nothing more than just some trumped up half dragon whore. You have no authority over me, Jessa Brightblade."

Jessa smiles even brighter than before.

Those of her guards that know her watch her in anticipation, the dragon guards that don't, watch her in curiosity to see what she will do.

"Really? I have no authority over you? I am the crown princess of the gold dragons, I am the granddaughter of your king. I am the champion of your god. I am the slayer of your confederates and now, I am going to be your executioner." Jessa says it all while walking around Selnik, examining him.

"But first, how did you get out of the prison you were held in?" Jessa demands after releasing a truth spell.

Selnik tries, he really does try to not answer, but her magic is far stronger than his. This just makes his hatred for her grow. "I was able to get a message to some friends of mine and they were able to locate the prison and set me free."

"Who are your confederates?" Jessa once more demands.

Selnik gives some names to her that she doesn't recognize, but the gold guards do.

"You know who these people are?" Jessa demands after saying another spell so that Selnik won't be able to hear or move.

"Yes, they are moderately high ranking dragons. They are trusted by those that are high ranked dragons." The guard closest to her tells her.

"I see, well then we better deal with this sooner rather than later."

"I will fly now to deal with it, princess." The guard offers.

"No need." Jessa turns her attention back to Selnik.

After releasing the spell so that he couldn't hear Jessa continues her interrogation. "I need the names of all your confederates. I need locations on where to find them. I need to know everything you don't want to tell me. Starting now."

Selnik starts crying as he reluctantly gives her all the information she is demanding. Jessa is disgusted at how many dragons have betrayed their people.

"Is there anything else?" Jessa demands, "Anything at all that you don't want to tell me? Even if it doesn't have anything to do with your betrayal to your people, or this upcoming war?"

Selnik tells her more. Jessa becomes interested in some of what he tells her and smiles as he finishes. "Well now, Selnik, that was very interesting after all." With that Jessa beheads him and lets him fall to the ground.

"Dhiren! get me some of Frosnak's papers." Jessa is more than a little angry. She doesn't like the information about how many of the dragon's were working with Selnik. She writes to her grandfather and Frosnak telling them what Selnik had told her. She has Dhiren write to his parents and letting him know the same information. Finally she writes to King Sy and his brother king letting them know of the plans that have been put into motion in regards to them.

While she was doing that she had her guards taken care of. She was pleased to see that none of them were actually killed. They all performed very well and efficiently. She was happy to see that she had enough potions of healing that her people were all able to be fully healed. 

They were also able to find several more potions of various things among the items of the dead. All in all they ended up with almost as many potions of healing as they started out with.

Once Jessa was satisfied that they were all healed she ordered them back to their caravan and back onto the road. They need to make the next city as soon as possible. Events are gaining on them and they need to be ready for whatever happens.

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