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"Peace, Jessa, I come here not to sneer at you or look down at you, but to beg of you, my children don't have much longer. Please, please, I beg of you to not tarry any longer than you absolutely must. War is coming far sooner to my people than they realize and they are in no way prepared."

"Ask the silver dragon king to send an emissary in their dragon form to talk to them. We will be traveling slowly, I must unite the humans behind me or your children will be lost any way and so will they. I can't allow that to happen since they will be instrumental in holding off the evil to keep the Moon elves safe. 

"But don't worry, the moon elves will be fighting."

"Silva will be the furthest from the fighting. You might wish to send your children, the women and children that aren't fighters and those to old or sick to fight here to my children." Lady Zira tells her arrogant brother.

"Thank you, sister, that is most kind, especially since you have no love for my children." Lord Kaiston tells her. 

Lady Zira smiles rather nastily at her brother, "Just remember, Kaiston, they have been around Jessa's influence for years and she is their crown princess. They will not tolerate the smug superiorness your children like to believe they have. They will bring them down, just as Jessa has done to you."

"Good, I'm rather counting heavily on it. If she doesn't bring down their haughtiness then they will all die. It is inevitable at this time that some of them, perhaps many of them will die. I just don't want all of them to do so." Kaiston turns his attention from his sister to Jessa.

"Please, Jessa, I know that I didn't give a good impression last time we met, but I'm begging you to please help me save my children."

Dhiren looks on doing his best to keep from smiling smugly at the sun elf deity. "You met him before Jessa?" He would have dearly loved to have seen that confrontation.

"Yes, they seem to like to invade my sleep and make it so that I don't get much rest. He didn't think much of my abilities." At her words there are snickers and guffaws heard from the elves and even the deities have a hard time holding back their thoughts on that.

Kaiston lowers his head in shame, then raises it once more. "I admit, she is good, better than me by far. She had me down and a knife to my throat before I even knew it. Then she didn't even ask me for anything before letting me back up."

Alaric and the Ancient One are scowling at this the rest are still trying to hide their smirks. "You know, Kaiston, that means that you owe Jessa big time and there will come a time when she will likely come to you and make you pay that debt." Lady Silva remarks to her brash brother.

"If she saves my children it will be a debt doubly owed and one that I'll gladly pay. Please, Jessa?"

"I've already told you Kaiston," she intentionally leaves off the honorific. "I will be heading there as soon as I can. We will be traveling slowly since I have need to unite the humans behind me, but I will get there. Like I said before, send an emissary from the silver dragons, in dragon form to your high handed children and see if they will be accepted then."

Kaiston looks down in shame. "The silver queen refuses to consider sending her children there at this time. She said that if my children won't listen to her then there is no sense in sending them into danger sooner than necessary." He looks up and there tears in his eyes. "There is nothing more that I can do without losing them all."

Jessa isn't so cold hearted as to want a potentially strong ally be totally destroyed. "We will get there the soonest we can, but, they aren't going to like what I'll be doing."

"Good, they need a wake up call. If they turn their backs on you there is nothing more to be done to save them and I will have to allow my children to be destroyed." Kaiston says resolutely to Jessa.

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