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Almost all of the candidates did survive the surprise attack. Those that were injured had been given potions of healing and are now in full fighting shape once more.

"Jessa, how are you going to choose?" Dhiren comes up behind her.

Jessa smirks at him before giving him a wink. "I know that they aren't up to where I want them to be, but let's see just how close they are." 

Dhiren smirks right back at her. He knows that Kristoff and Sorsha have been helping those that have shown interest in being on their crown princesses guard.

"All those that are wanting to be my guard, did you see what happened after the attack?" Jessa says once they are lined up in front of her.

"An impossibility." An elf mutters.

Jessa smiles at the elf that actually dared to answer her. "Ahh, Ricardo, you have something to share with the others?"

Ricardo finds himself standing alone as the others step away from him. They are all afraid of Jessa's temper. The fact that she never actually shows her temper doesn't change that fact. Jessa actually has no idea how people became afraid of her. Especially this group. 

Jessa had helped to teach some of them when her father was occupied with her age group. 

They hadn't liked being taught by a human any more than the kids in her group had liked being beaten by one.

"Ricardo, please, say what you have to say or leave." Jessa demands and the humor has left her completely. The anger that comes from her dragon side is definitely coming into play. She's never been so easily angered before.

"You turned into a gold dragon. But everyone knows that the gold dragons are no more." Ricardo finally manages to say.

"Well, not everyone knows that. Right?" Jessa directs that to the group that is watching avidly. That group now includes Kaiston, much to Jessa's intense dislike.

There is a general chuckle from each of the deities and her grandfather.

Jessa turns back around to face the elves.  "Is that all you witnessed, Ricardo."

"No." Ricardo says even softer now than before. He looks down at the ground and has to fight to keep his foot from scuffing the ground like a child being castigated.

"What else did you see, Ricardo? It's important for all the recruits to know. You need to know what you will be going up against." Jessa says still in a firm voice, but makes sure to let Ricardo know that he isn't being punished.

Ricardo looks up, he is unable to hide completely the fear in his eyes, "Prince Dhiren also turned into a gold dragon. I'm not making this up." Ricardo says almost pleading as he faces not just Jessa but turns to the other recruits that are snickering at his words.

"Thank you, Ricardo, for being honest. That's enough!" Jessa says that last at those that are snickering at Ricardo's words.

"Ricardo is in fact telling the truth." Jessa says and you could hear a pin drop it becomes so quiet, even the elves stop their work now.

Dhiren chooses to step up to Jessa at this time and places his arm around her. Jessa gives him a half irritated and half amused look. Dhiren doesn't give many PDA's and never like this.

"I am the crown princess for the gold dragons. That last attack had three full blooded dragons. The blue I took down with an arrow. The black and red dragon's I fought against with the sword. One of them, not sure which managed to cut my arm and some of their blood got in the cut. The only way to save my life was for me to change to my gold dragon. But since I was only a half dragon there was a good chance I wouldn't make it. 

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