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Jessa just stands there in her clean, but now clinging clothes. Unarmored and in all appearances unarmed. All the others have formed a loose ring around the four new comers. The ostlers have come to take the horses. 

"Your majesty, what are you doing here?" One of them demands.

Jasper mouths red to Jessa who gives him a slight nod. Most would have missed it, but Dhiren didn't.

"I decided to go for a ride and then it started to rain so I stopped by here. What brings you four from your busy schedules?" The as yet still unnamed human king replies coolly.

"We worried about your majesty when it started to rain and there was no sign of you." Another of the councilors replied smoothly. 

Jasper mouths black. Jessa didn't look away from the councilors and only caught it from the corners of her eyes.

"You aren't capable of doing your duties without me?" The king asks in disbelief.

"Of course we can do our duties without you. We just worry about you falling into the wrong hands." There is no doubt  that he considers Jessa's group as the wrong hands.

"They have been nothing but solicitous of my well being. They even fed me without expecting anything in return." The king does his best to keep his voice even.

"There are always strings attached my king. They just haven't stated what theirs are yet." The third councilor states, sneering at Jessa.

Jessa has no problem sneering right back at him. "We have no ulterior motives here snake, what are yours?"

The derogatory epithet finds it's mark as Jasper mouths green to Jessa. She smirks even further. Green dragons are very self conscious about themselves. They are more sinuous than their fellow dragons since they live mostly in forests and don't have the mass that their brethren do.

"You are very rude for a human. I'd expect such words from one of the sun elves, but not from a nothing human." The last of the councilors hisses out.

Jessa can't help but start chuckling, as do the rest of her party that had gone out to watch the verbal fencing match.

"Yeah, those arrogant bastards are rather nasty aren't they? As for me being human, you just haven't crossed the path of a human that would dare stand up against you. You equate power to self worth. You equate power with importance. You are wrong on both counts. You might have power, but you are still nothing more than a snake." Jessa sneers when she gets done talking. She looks over all four of them then sniffs dismissing them like they are nothing.

She releases the prayer that she had prepared to Jethro. Before their eyes the four councilors change form. They retain their humanoid form, but now their faces take on the shape of their dragon form and their scales come out showing that they are indeed dragon kin at the very least.

She hears the king take in a gasp as he sees his councilors for the first time as they are, or at least as a part of what they are.

Without doing a spell Jessa's clothes turn to her armor and her weapons come to her either in her hand or on her body as she normally carries them. She easily leans against her staff. "I wonder snakes, if any of you are any better than the blue king? That bloody coward wouldn't even fight me until I had gone through over a hundred of his kin. He was too cowardly to take me on before he had thought me tired from fighting. So which of you snakes will try me without having an army tire me out?"

The councilors look at her and sneer in derision. "No human could survive the blue army the king arranged. You lie." The black one hisses in outrage.

"I'm here and he is dead. He cost me the life of a very good friend. I am still very upset at his loss. Perhaps the death of you four will help make up for that?" Jessa says darkly as she walks towards the four.

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