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"Jessa, the king has graciously allowed you to bring as many guests as you see fit. He is more than a little curious as to why you would be bringing someone to the lunch." Mel tells her once he makes his way back.

Jessa looks at the loquacious little dragon and narrows her eyes at him, "What did you tell him?"

"Nothing. I'm not sure why you want to include the ornery dragon queen with your discussion with the nice human king." Mel shuts up then and takes his place around Jessa's neck.

Jessa sits back thinking about tomorrow and just hopes that the dragon queen will be as accommodating as the human king. Angelo comes in not too long after.

"Well, Angelo, any luck?" Jessa asks tensely.

"She was less than happy that you wished to change the arrangement, but she is intrigued at the thought of eating with the human king."

Jessa snorts, "She could have made a power base here with the king if she had wanted to."

"No, she couldn't. Alaric did the closest to that that any of us dared to do. Alaric and Frosnak. We had to hide. We still are recovering and most of us are still dying out. We couldn't afford to play with the humans like the chromatics seem to be able to do with impunity."

Jessa gets a thoughtful look in her eye, "I wonder why that is? They were hurt hard in the wars as well. They should have remained in their caves and forests hiding. What brought them into the human realm and how the hells did they learn the complicated spells they needed to change form? They've never been able to do that before."

"Good questions, Jessa. Very good questions, ones I've been wondering about for some time. I've been looking into it." The Ancient one says appearing in the room.

"Doing that is a good way to get my sword into your belly." Jessa says putting her sword away more than a little irritated. "Now I know where Alaric picked up that nasty habit."

"Ancient one, did you find the answers you were looking for?" Dhiren asks solicitously after pulling Jessa into his arms to calm her down.

"Yes, and no. They are working under the direction of someone that I haven't been able to ascertain as of yet. Their magic is very strong and I will likely need the help of all my siblings to penetrate it. I believe that to be the true evil and our enemy, but until I can find out I won't know how to end him.

"You can't dawdle here like you did the last town, Jessa..." The Ancient one trails off at Jessa's look. 

"I didn't dawdle. I had to wait for the king to see me. I then dealt with three of the chromatic kings and on the way here dealt with the fourth one. I'm sorry if that isn't good enough for you Ancient one..." Jessa finds her mouth busy as Dhiren gives her a kiss to keep her from going off any further on the ancient deity.

"It's alright, Dhiren. I should know better than to just be plain in my words with Jessa. She has done admirably, far more than my other children, but time is short."

"Well, well, well, look who's here." The acerbic female voice breaks into the gold god and draws attention to herself. No one had heard her come in until then.

"Angelo?" Jessa queries the copper king.

"Jessa, Dhiren, Ancient one, may I present her highness queen Genevra of the bronze dragons?" Angelo says with flourish, but wishing he was any where other than that room at that time.

"Long time no see, Genevra, you look the same as always."

Genevra looks narrowly at the gold deity, "With you I'm never sure if that is a compliment or a very nicely veiled insult. I'm fine thanks for asking." Genevra takes her attention off the deity and looks around the room at the other occupants. She sticks her nose up in the air as she finishes her once over.

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