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"Looking good, Jessa." Frosnak tells her after they sparring the next morning. Genevra keeps her mouth shut. She's having a hard time doing so since Jessa and Dhiren sparred not much earlier. She had no idea that Jessa could fight like that.

"Dhiren, you've gotten much better," Frosnak says critically.

"Thank you, Frosnak. I guess the lessons with Jessa have paid off."

Frosnak sniffs, "You are very much aware that they have. It's unlikely that Jessa would have stuck around you if you hadn't. It's not good for a couple to be unequal in abilities. You two complement each other in all ways. I'll definitely make sure that I'm there when you make it to those trumped up fools. Alaric sends a message to you, Jessa, and a gift to you, Dhiren."

Frosnak walks off with the two a short distance. Genevra is more than a little curious. "You don't think much of our princess do you?" Sorsha asks the snotty queen.

"There's just no way that a half dragon could do all that."

"Jessa isn't a half dragon any more. You didn't hear about the fight that happened between Kyron and Castlerock about three years ago?"

"I heard about it, but didn't put much stock in it." Genevra sniffs at the rumors.

Sorsha looks at the haughty female curiously. "What did you hear?"

"That there was more than two hundred bandits and one person, a Jessa Brightblade, was the one that killed them all." Sorsha waits for the name to penetrate.

"Jessa wasn't alone. There were a dozen or so humans, a handful of elves against over two hundred bandits comprised of mostly dragonkin. Blue dragon kin. Most of the humans had little fighting ability and so they were against the regular bandits, evenso only three managed to survive their wounds. I was there when Prince Dhiren came upon the battlefield. It was covered in blood. He was going crazy looking for Jessa. He almost despaired when we found Jessa's friend, one she considered a brother. He died to protect her.

"Jessa was found damn near dead, a gaping wound in her side from the blow of her final opponent, the blue dragon king. The same one that killed Reniel, her father. She managed to give him a killing blow even as he gave her a nearly fatal one as well. Somehow, she managed to not get any of his blood in her. But she nearly died from an infection in the same wound."

"I don't believe you." Genevra replies.

Sorsha shrugs. "I can show you what the battle looked like, our trackers have recreated the fight for them. Jessa verified her part and so that is now clear as well." Sorsha doesn't know why she is doing this, she just feels that she needs to get this dragon to understand just how dangerous Jessa is

Genevra nods but sneers at the thought of it being nearly as impressive as she's heard.

Once the fight is over Genevra has changed her mind. "Is that enough for you, Genevra?" Jessa demands.

"Yes," She had taken a trip out to where Jessa had come in. Her spies had told her that Jessa and her group had come in covered in blood, she wanted to see what exactly that had included. Genevra has to admit, albeit reluctantly, that Jessa is a fighter of equal or better than she herself is.

"Good. I and Dhiren need to clean up before heading to the human king. You are welcome to join us for lunch if you wish, that is still available, but you don't have to if you don't wish. Frosnak will be joining us as well." Jessa says then heads off towards their inn. Dhiren at her side and the other guards running to catch up with them both.

Genevra watches them for a short time, one of her people joins her. "My queen?"

"Send our females to Silva, along with the young and eggs. Have the rest of our people ready for war. Let the females that didn't fly earlier know they are to fly with any of the dragons that are in Silva, whichever kind out flies them."

"Yes, my queen." The dragon runs off to give the astonishing message from the queen to the others of his people. The rumors are true. There is war coming and they will be fighting once more.

Genevra makes her way to the inn where Jessa and her party are staying. She finds a seat in the sunshine outside the inn. She makes decisions and motions for another of her people to come forward. She sends them off with whispered commands. The female looks at her queen with wide eyes before running to fulfill the commands of her queen.

"What are you up to, Genevra?" Angelo asks once the female was out of sight.

Genevra hides the startled jump Angelo's voice causes her.

"Nothing that will harm any of the dragons."

"Genevra," Angelo growls out. "Our enemies are also dragons."

Genevra rolls her eyes. "I am well aware of that, Angelo. Our little cousins might not do well in battle, but they can be used for messages like Jessa uses the one she calls Mel. I'm calling for the fairy and prismatic dragons for help."

Angelo about chokes at her words. "You are what?"

"They can help out as well. They are small but incredibly fast. They can out fly all of us and you know it. They will make excellent messengers. Just like in the last war."

"They damn near were exterminated in the last war." Angelo says angrily. He personally can't stand them, but it's because he likes peace and quiet, he doesn't have anything against them personally, if they would just shut up he'd love to have them near.

Genevra sniffs, "They, of any of us have made a come back. There are more of them than there are of us. They also have excellent abilities as spies if they can keep their mouths shut. We need them as I'm sure that Jessa would agree."

"I would agree about what, Genevra?"

"Using the fairy and prismatic dragons not just as messengers but as spies on the enemy."

Jessa looks at the queen intently as she thinks it over. "Yes, I could definitely see advantages there."

"Jessa," Mel pipes up making himself visible and unwinding himself from her neck. "My people find it hard to be quiet for long periods of time. Same with the fairy dragons. We are curious and we ask questions, it is the reason the chromatic dragons killed us on sight. They couldn't stand the incessant questions."

"Yes, but you learned to be quiet. If they are willing to learn they could be very important in helping us. It is very hard to find one of you if you don't wish to be found. Do you think your people would be willing to help, Mel?"

"Willing to help? Likely, the only problem being will they be able to curb their tongue? I'm not sure we have time to teach them before the war starts."

"You know where the prismatic and fairy dragons are, Genevra?" Dhiren asks.

"Yes, I'm sure Alaric knows as well or he wouldn't have had one as his pet."

Jessa taps her finger against her lips as she thinks. "You already sent a message to the little dragons?" Jessa demands of the dragon queen.

"Yes, Jessa. We will need to coordinate between the groups and let our allies know what is going on." Genevra closes her mouth when Jessa waves her off.

"Yes, very good thinking, you are of course correct. But now we must go or we'll be late for lunch with the king. They get a little pissy when they are held up, but have no problems holding others up." Jessa doesn't have much respect for royalty, neither human, elven or dragon. Genevra decides to hold her tongue as she falls in beside the elven prince and his princess.

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