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King Seth stands on his balcony looking over his kingdom with troubled eyes. The news he'd received hadn't been welcome. The last war of the kind had nearly destroyed them all. The numbers of the dragon allies are drastically reduced and they are sorely under prepared for a conflict of this caliber.

Movement in the garden catches his attention and brings him back from his dark thoughts. He watches as the moonlight catches on something causing it to glow with soft light. He realizes that it must be moonstones. That's when he understands that he's watching his visitors as they dance under the light of the full moon. 

He catches his breath as he watches the two move as one circling nearly touching only to move away from one another once more. Although he hears no music he swears that he can almost do so but shakes his head even as that thought comes to him.

"They are beautiful are they not, Majesty?" A female says next to him.

Once more Seth finds himself unable to take his eyes from the two dancers below. "I've never seen a dance so graceful and-" words fail him even as he watches.

"Provocative?" The female supplies hiding her mirth from the human king.

"Yes, that word fits perfectly and yet, it doesn't. I don't know, I've never been of a poetic bent and words don't come easily to me. Their dance takes my breath away though. It makes me happy, but at the same time sad, almost despairing at the ache it causes inside me." Seth shakes his head and with a sad smile continues to watch the royalty dance.

"They hear the music of the moon. It has taken hold of them and they are unable to resist her call. Lady Zira is rewarding them I think."

Only once Jessa and Dhiren finish the dance and return inside is Seth able to turn and face the female that was talking to him. "They don't dance like that all the time?"

The unknown elven female smiles sadly and shakes her head. "I don't know, Sire. The last time they danced in front of other elves was at their wedding ceremony. It was as beautiful then as it was tonight. I rather think that Lady Zira is very pleased with them both."

"Forgive me, elven maiden, but I don't know your name." Seth says and bows to the female before him.

"No, sire it is I that owes you for daring to speak to you. I am Sharon, one of Jessa's guards. I came with a message from Jessa to ask you to give their goodbyes. Jessa and Kallen have unhealthy attitude of wanting to leave in the early morning hours. She will want to spend time in the market before they leave and will unlikely be at the castle much on the morrow."

Seth looks surprised at the elf's words. "She likes to spend time in the market?"

The elf chuckles at his reaction. It's the same that most of the elves hold. Dhiren has learned to not show his dislike since he likes to go with Jessa when she visits. "Yes, she used to be a guard. Kallen took her to the bazaar in Castle Rock when she first left Silva and every chance she gets she is found there."

"So it is true, she was a guard for caravans before she became the crown princess of the moon elves?" Seth isn't going to let the opportunity of learning more about Jessa pass by.

At his words Sharon's face goes blank but not before the king thinks he sees a sadness come onto her face. He wonders what could bring the lovely elven lass such pain.

Sharon does her best to give the king a smile once more before excusing herself. It didn't work too well.

"I see that I am now in the wrong for some reason, Sharon. Forgive me, I didn't mean to make you sad or uncomfortable." Seth says lightly touching Sharon's arm. "Please, forgive me for doing so."

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