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The king meets them at the castle entrance, "Welcome, did you not bring horses?" The king is more than a little confused at the group not having a carriage or horses with them.

"The streets were too crowded, it wouldn't have been a good idea." Dhiren tells the king smiling at the king as he the finally gets a good look at Jessa.

"Princess, are you alright?" The king asks mortified that the female guest of honor is covered in blood.

"Yeah, some assassins decided that they wanted to play. They didn't like how the game was going so I ended up rather messy. I do apologize, your majesty." Jessa tells him and her nonchalance causes the king to swallow heavily.

"Would you mind terribly if I visited the assassin guild before leaving town and dealing with them? I am getting rather tired of them trying to kill me. They haven't understood my message when I sent the last assassin back in Roderick's city."

The king is having trouble being able to speak and is only able to open and close his mouth like a puppet. Finally he manages to make his voice work, "If you are able to take them out, I would have no problem with it, but they won't make it easy on you."

Jessa snorts. "I won't be allowed to go in alone. I think just Dhiren, and a couple of my guards will be sufficient to deal with the problem. If that doesn't take care of the problem then I'll need to find out who is paying them. I thought I already took out the ones that were requesting my death. I guess I was wrong."

"Please, come inside, all of you. Princess, I'll have you taken to a room and some clothes sent for you to change into." Jessa nods at the kings words. Sorsha follows her as she goes in a different direction from every one else. Two other guards follow at a discreet distance.

"Not very trusting are you?" The king says as he watches the guards following Jessa.

"Jessa doesn't need the protection, but it is required since she's our crown princess. Eventually the guards will get to her satisfaction in fighting ability. Until then it's only a formality with her having guards. 

"While we wait for my wife, I would like to thank you for this invitation. It was far more timely than Roderick's visit." Dhiren starts things off.

"Yes, Roderick sent me a message. He told me that you made it possible for him to get rid of his leash holders. He is rather thankful for that. He's been looking for a way to get rid of the ministers for some time."

"Jessa didn't like their attitude towards their king and dealt with it for him. Did he also tell you that those councilors were in fact the kings of the chromatic dragons?"

The king stops short at those words. "It was in his message but I didn't believe it. The dragons are long dead, the war, the great war killed them all centuries ago."

Frosnak and the other dragons just sniff at his words. "The dragons aren't dead. The chromatic dragons have been busy building up armies of dragon kin in preparation for another war. At this time, you have two choices, either join with us and have a hope of winning or not and end up fighting alone. Roderick joined with us."

"How much of a chance do we have with out the metallic dragons on our side like last time?" The king nearly wails this part.

"Hush, king, all is not as bad as that. The metallic dragons also live. Their numbers are nothing like they were before the war, but they are still around. The gold and silver dragons have joined in alliance with the moon elves. We are on our way to not just visit my mule headed cousins, but to also talk to them about an alliance as well. We don't know the number of their forces, but we do know that they will be coming down through my cousin's realm. Then they will come along here."

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