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They leave Kyron the next morning once Josnick assures her that they have finished adding what was needed to their train. Jessa wasn't all that happy with some of the guards they hired on, but they are all thoroughly intimidated by Jessa and stay away from her as much as possible.

They aren't all upset at her telling them that they would be sparring with the elves to learn to fight better.

The elves and dragons were less happy about that then the humans were. Jessa just looked at them, daring any of them to say anything to her. 

They didn't. 

Dhiren watched it all and was chuckling to himself when Jessa came back to his side.

"Ready for some scouting Dhiren? This is a completely new route for me, so I have no idea what's ahead."

"As you wish love." 

Dhiren watches as Jessa puts on the boots that she only used seriously once before. "Are you expecting trouble this close to Kyron?" Dhiren asks her.

Jessa looks up long enough to respond, "I always expect trouble. I usually find it as well."

Dhiren nods as he has to agree with her about that. There was rarely times when she didn't fight at least once on her trips between Kyron and Castlerock. The lands they will be heading into are more profitable.

The two take their weapons and Jessa threatens them all about being quiet before they take off. Some of the newer guards don't believe Jessa until they find her knife at their throats for being too noisy.

After that they move noiselessly through the new terrain looking for any sight of possible trouble.

Jessa has an arrow knocked and ready before Dhiren even notices that he's about to be spitted by a bandit. The arrow takes the bandit in the eye killing him instantly.

"Jessa, he's glowing." Jasper tells her coming up to the now dead bandit.

"What color?" Jessa demands sticking her sword into his throat.

"Black." Jasper tells her.

"Great, I already have that one. I had hoped for green," Jessa sulks a bit.

"How would you be able to use a gas attack from a sword?" Dhiren asks curiously. Acid he understands, but gas, he's still not sure how that would work.

Jessa smiles nastily. "The gas actually would come off my sword it would get in the personal space of an enemy and they would breathe it in while we fight."

"So would you." Dhiren tells her unhappily.

Jessa smiles brightly at his sour tone. "Nope, gold dragons are immune to green breath attack. Besides my armor would fight it, if we weren't."

They move forward leaving the dead dragon for his bones to be eaten by animals.

Before they can go too far forward they come in contact with a rather large group getting prepared to attack their caravan. 

"Jessa, three glowing, black, red and green." Jasper whispers before Jessa nods and attacks by firing her arrows.

Jasper had indicated which of the bandits were glowing as he told her the colors. Two of them went down then Jessa had to fight with her sword.

She finishes up her opponent, the last of the few dragons. "You know, Jessa, the reason you have a guard is so that they are the ones to put their lives on the line to protect yours." Dhiren tells her sourly as he inspects her for wounds.

Jessa shrugs, "You knew what you were getting when you married me. Besides, this is my duty as a gold dragon. You knew that as well."

Dhiren sighs, "I know. I just always get sick when you get into a fight like this. I worry that you won't survive. I almost lost you several times by you doing this."

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