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The journey to Kyron went as fast as could be expected. What wasn't expected was a royal messenger waiting for them or for the guards all crowding around Jessa. Well as much as they could with the elven guards keeping them back.

"Jessa, is it safe to go back to Castlerock again?" Was the main question asked by the guards and merchants alike.

Finally they make it to the hiring grounds, Jessa pulls up Moonglow. "Listen up, yes, it is safe to return to Castlerock." They'd gotten the information the day before.

As the guards and merchants started talking happily once more, Jessa interrupts. "Hold up, you need to get prepared. War is coming, I won't prepare the kings and not tell the people. I have worked with some of you and have no wish to leave you all stranded."

By now there is silence in the bazaar as her words travel. "I would suggest gathering your food items and all else you wish to survive and head over to Castlerock. It is far more defensible and the elves will do their best to defend the way there. I would also suggest that you work with the elves in keeping the way clear." Jessa shrugs, "It's just a suggestion, should the elves be invaded in Silva they will leave the pass unprotected to protect their own people first."

The eyes of the people widen as they realize the truth of her words, but also as they take in the meaning. Silva had only ever been threatened in the great war from the evil dragons. "Are the dragons back?"

One of the merchants calls out.

Jessa looks to Dhiren and he shrugs, "The chromatic dragons have never left, as you all very well know."

"Yes, but are the metallic dragons truly gone or are they still around as well?" Someone else demands.

There is a group of people that seem to be watching Jessa closely, far more closely than all the other people in the group.

Jasper leans over to Jessa, "That group that is staring at you are glowing gold."

Jessa relaxes a bit with that information. They must be the expected gold guard, or at least the ones that want to try out to be in her guard. She looks at that group as she answers the question that the crowd seems to be holding it's breath to hear.

"Yes, there are metallic dragons. The gold dragons have entered into an alliance with the moon elves and the silver dragons wish to do so as well."

"What of the other dragons?" One of the members of the group that's staring at her demands.

Jessa smiles brightly, "I'll be meeting with them as we journey to Lexin. I'll be working with the human leaders making alliances and having them be prepared and hopefully the over proud sun elves as well. During that time I hope to meet with the other metallic dragons and make alliances with them."

Jessa doesn't take her eyes off the one that challenged her with his words. She knew that the golds didn't have very many females left, but she had hoped to have at least one that wanted to guard her. She was very disappointed to note that there wasn't even one.

"Prince and Princess Silverblade, the king would like to invite you to rest at the castle." The messenger says when they prepare to continue onward.

"Go ahead, Jessa. I know how to get things settled. We'll be at my favorite inn when you are finished talking to the king."  Josnick tells her with mistress Silvermoon agreeing with him. They had combined resources to expand the amount of goods they will be taking. 

It was Jessa and Dhiren's contribution, the elvish goods that will bring in the most money though, and they all know it.

With that Jessa, Dhiren and their guards and 'servants' follow the royal messenger to the castle. The one that Jessa looked at over four years ago with her friend as they sat and ate their sweet bread. The first time Jessa ever had sweet bread. She wipes the tears from her eyes as she remembers Nathan and his giving her sweet bread that first time. She can't believe that she had ever been so naïve and clueless. 

"Hey, you okay?" Dhiren asks worried.

"Nathan brought me here, we sat under that tree our first trip to Kyron and we ate the first sweet bread roll I ever had. I never thought I would be invited to this part of the city and I was just wishing that he could be here as well."

"I'm sorry, Jessa. I wish I could take away that pain. He is missed, not just by you."

"I know," Jessa tries to smile but fails. She notices that Sorsha was close enough to hear what she said and is now looking sad as well.

"I'm sorry, Sorsha. I shouldn't have said anything. I know that you miss him too." 

"I know that I didn't know him very well, Jessa, but he did have a big impact on my life." There is no doubt as to that. Something that she'll never be able to forget for the rest of her life. "At least he finally knows about the children. He was pleased, wasn't he?"

Jessa gives a little chuckle, "Very. I don't think I ever saw him so happy. You've done well with them, Sorsha. I thank you once more for naming your son after his father."

"He deserves that and it will be a name for my son to grow into. His father was an incredible person and I have no doubt that my son will follow in his father's footsteps." Sorsha tells Jessa with a sad smile.

Jessa nods and fights her tears once more as she faces towards the castle.

At the castle they are met with the king. Even Dhiren is rather shocked by this. "Welcome, Prince Dhiren and Princess Silverblade, welcome to Kyron. My brother king, Sy has told me much about you and has urged me to talk to you and listen to what you have to say.

"Please come in. I have quarters ready and refreshments for you all. Once you have refreshed yourselves, please have one of my servants bring you to my conference room. I understand that there is a great deal of information that I need to know."

Unlike Castlerock, Kyron has been under siege many times and so has a prepared army to protect it.

"Ready, love?" Dhiren asks once they've washed up and had a bit of wine to refresh themselves with. They were pleased that the wine was actually an elven make and that made it all the better.

"Yeah, as much as I'll ever be." Jessa says and Dhiren guides her out of the room and their guard takes their proper place.

Indoors they both just have two guards. Jessa is pleased to see that Jasper is one of the ones that is protecting her.

Sorsha and Kristoff will be talking to the servants and finding out what they can from them.

Jessa takes a deep breath as they come up to the doors where the king awaits them. "Just treat him like you would my parents." Dhiren whispers to her and that helps her relax. She's not overly fond of Dhiren's parents, but she likes them. She can handle this.

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