Chapter 10.

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   That incessant word was what kept ringing in my ear from the minute I woke up. Fortunately, my usual morning routine hadn't ended in a nervous breakdown. Right down as I had my breakfast, it was safe to say that I was actually pulling this off. So far, anyway.

"Why are you playing with your food? What's wrong?" Mum asked from the other end of the kitchen counter.

   I wasn't going to describe the expression I had on while Mum's curious gaze refused to leave mine.

   So I wasn't pulling it off, but I don't think anyone one could say this was my fault. We all know, after all, that Mums were secret witches with the uncanny ability to sense fear.

   And apparently go more than two minutes without blinking as well.

"Nothing." I kept my reply short and in a monotone voice.

   Hopefully, bringing my bowl to my mouth to slurp my cereal like soup would hide my anxiety-ridden face. I just had to be too scared to do drugs, didn't I? I would have been calm enough for today if I had allowed someone to hook me up.

   I gave an internal sigh of relief when she rolled her eyes and reached over for her car keys. Now all I had to do was make it through Zavlon's annual Liberation Week, which began today and ended next week Saturday, without cracking.

"Go get your stuff," Mum said.

"You're taking me?" Was I really that bad at acting innocent?

"Now I know you don't think I'm giving you extra money for transport because of that luggage you're taking with you?" she frowned.

"Extra-money for transp— I use the bus pass everyday!"

"Just go get your stuff."


"So we just leave our belongings outside?" I couldn't help feeling wary as I added my luggage to the many others gathered in the corner of the school's main entrance.

"That's what a teacher announced earlier," Minji shrugged. "And we did the same thing last year so there's nothing to worry about. The school has some people hired to take it into the Quarters."

"The Quarters?" I was certain that it's location was not mentioned during the orientation.

   After reminding me a few days ago of what Liberation Week entailed, she had failed to include where exactly 'the Quarters', the built hostels on Zavlon Academia grounds opened purposely for Liberation Week, were situated.

"You'll find out eventually," was Minji's curt response.


   I was about to break the awkward silence that ensued by asking about the dance when I remembered that there could be undercover cops camouflaged somewhere, ready to pounce.

   Comfortable silence is overrated anyway.

   I couldn't just be grateful she wasn't bringing it up, could I? I had to implicate myself as well.

"Come on." Her hand suddenly grabbed mine as more students were dropped off, dragging towards the entrance. "This is going to be epic!"


   It really wasn't. It was not epic.

   We had been in the Electronics classroom for hours. Okay, I'm not certain enough to confirm that, but it certainly felt like it. My initial thoughts that we were going to be directed to the Quarters right away were crushed when every Zavolonian was guided into respective classrooms. Minji had immediately sensed my confusion and filled me in on the fact that before we made our way to the Quarters, we spent up to normal school hours(on a Saturday!) in our classrooms(on a Saturday!) watching a video diaries about the origin and significance of Liberation Week (On a Sat—I think you get by now).

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