Chapter 113.

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"Before we do this, Dorian," Rav remarked after Dorian finished telling us everything. "I want you to know that I am so proud of you. And so will our parents. You're the best big brother and son we–and anyone else, really–could ever ask for."

"Thank you, Rav." Dorian's eyes shone as he whispered.

   But Rav did not end there, "And definitely, definitely way over every girl's league after this!"

"Much appreciated, Rav," I grimaced at the pointed look he directed to me while saying that. Not because I was offended, but because it was so true.

"You know I love you, Beth." he winked.

   I rolled my eyes, switching to Dorian, "He's right, though. Right to be proud of you, I mean. I know I am."

   His thank you response came in the form of a hand squeeze. One I liked very much.

   Dorian let go for me to pick up the Neuroskel from the floor while he and Rav held onto the Yunies' laser guns.

"Is everyone ready?" he asked.

   I gave the best nod I could muster.

   We began walking toward the open assembly pod door, in execution of our first part of the plan, which was to find the Zavolonian students and Talise. This was so that we'd know for sure whether they would no longer be mind-controlled after Dorian does what he was planning on doing. With Landon still passed out and no way of knowing when he'd be awake, we couldn't find that out from him.

   Fortunately, the blood trail Speck's shot foot had left stretched from the stage, all the way to the door and beyond, giving us a good head start with our search. Even there was no guarantee that Speck had gone to where the students were–although I really think he'd be interested in knowing whether their heads exploded after one hour–at least we'll be led to one of those rooms in the walls instead of walking through a never-ending hallway.

   Sure enough, we walked out the assembly and into a yet-another overly-white hallway that extended left and right. Speck's blood trail, which we realised continued from the door to the left side of the hallway is what we followed. Every step we took was in silence, our thoughts alone keeping us company.

   I'll be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about what Dorian was about to do. If it turned out to be the way he described it, then all this will be over. Everyone would get to go home and for Speck and Camila, the nuthouses where they so-desperately belonged.

   But what if things went the opposite way? That would mean, not just us and the people already here, but the entire world were screwed for all eternity.

   I envied Dorian's ability–or should I say, skill– to wear a stoic mask as we ventured into the hellish unknown.

   The situation in this hallway was not like the others because in this one, we didn't have to go an endless walk, only to get knocked out.

   In this situation, we didn't go very far and rather than encounter any of our mind-controlled friends, facing us were two hallways, split products of the one were still in.

   I gulped, staring behind at the route we'd just taken and the sight before us now. The blood could no longer play any role as a guide since it ended in a straight line between the two hallways, not giving a single clue as to which he and Camila chose.

   Of course Speck thought this through.

"We should split up," Rav spoke up, not sounding like that's what he wanted to do at all.

"Not unless we have two mes and two Neuroskels," Dorian protested. "What if the path Beth and I take ends up being the wrong one? That would leave just you without me and the Neuroskel and that can't work. Also, have you already forgotten what happened the last time we split up?"

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