Chapter 73.

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   Right after breakfast and Landon's arrival from Ridgeton the next day, everyone converged in the deserted motel basement that we'd cleaned up a few days earlier. We all agreed that today was going to be centred on coming up with the plan that granted us access to Zavlon, more specifically into the Tunnels, and the tech that would help us fight, defend against and get past the Yunies to the students and the lab.

   Landon was able to acquire several books for Rav which contained more information on thousands of alien species, including the Yunies.

"Thanks." Rav gave him a tight grin as he took the book from Landon's hands.

   That, plus digital Alien Studies textbooks Rav already had all this while, was supposed to be a big help. But not just to Rav.

"Is it possible that I can take pictures of the books now?" Camila asked Rav. "Knowing more about the Yunies would be a big help in planning our strategies for sneaking into Zavlon Academia."

   It was then that I realised the books could actually be useful to me as well. In my coining and designing of the possible weapons we could use against the Yunies, I needed to make sure I was able to come up with gadgets that stood a chance against them. Reading through the books could help me create weapons that could actually be impactful on those aliens.

   But not so much as to kill them. I hoped.

   Kind of.

   Dorian also mentioned that he would need the books too. He, based on his experience in the Robotics Club, had tasked himself with the design of protective headgear and body suits that shielded us from any attacks by the Yunies or their weapons.

"It'll be really helpful to know the extent of the Yunitides' weight, strength and other qualities of theirs that will aid in my selection of the right materials and ideas while designing the gear and suits," he explained further.

   Eventually, since I was the only one without my phone or other devices, the books were left with me after everyone else took pictures of their desired pages.

   Rav and Camila didn't waste any time. After deciding that it was probably for the best for them to combine his knowledge with her future plans for much faster results, they headed for her room.

   Leaving me, Landon and Dorian.

"I'm gonna go," Dorian, as if on cue, mumbled.

"Great!" Landon said, walking over to me and slinging an arm over my shoulder. "It'll just be me and Beth, then."

   The reaction that overtook Dorian's face could have easily been missed by anyone.

   But not me.

   Even though it was only a little over a second, it was enough for me to recognize the look he had on. Dorian had seemed as though the thought of me being alone with Landon hadn't sunk in until it was just mentioned.

   The expression his face had assumed at Landon's words could be described as being between taken aback and dagger-like.

   That shouldn't make me feel things, especially since my last words to him were anything but kind and we hadn't really spoken since.

   Snapping out of reality, I noticed that Dorian's gaze had shifted to Landon's arm, still over my shoulder. His throat boobed as he took a large swallow, with a locked jaw following soon after.

   This really shouldn't make me feel things... oh, who was I kidding?! It did! I'd just gotten the sign I needed to know that Dorian didn't hate me. That maybe, we could still—

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